Temp Is Going Down In Ram Tank

fish killa

Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2012
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Ok so now that its starting to get cold here in my part of the world, The temp is going down from 80 f to 75 f. is this cause for concern?

I have a pair of blue rams in there and since the temp drop have not laid egg ( which I'm ok with) but is that a sign that there not healthy?
I don't think it should be that much of a problem, rams do thrive in warmer temperatures which is probably why they have stopped laying eggs but i doubt that a drop of a few degrees would do any serious harm to them...
From my experience as long as you have good water quality your fish will generally be fine.
Sorry, T-RightFish71196, but I'm going to disagree with you!

Rams do seem to need higher temperatures to thrive, and 75°F is far too low. I would turn your heater up a bit, OP.
Terribly sorry, must of misread the number, i swear it said 78!. Anyway i stand corrected, yes i'd have to agree that 75 is a bit too low for rams.... my bad :/
If you don't have one, you need a heater. 5 watts per gallon and get it back up to 82.

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