Temp And Salinity?


Fish Crazy
Sep 8, 2007
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whats the coldest i can go to keep inverts and fish?
also what salinity level would you guys reccommend?
cheers mate. my temp is 27 at the moment but il drop it to 25. my salinity is 1.026 though i used to keep it at 1.022-1.023 without any problems. il probally drop it to 1.025. thanks again. alot of people i have spoken to seem to have sucsess keeping the beadlet anemones at 24-26c
Is that beadlet anemone as in UK waters beadlet?? What style of tank do you have? Is this a British biotope type setup? If it is then you will be looking at very different temperatures and very different salinity. I know for a fact, having measured it, that the English channel has a salinity of 1.024 and the temperature varies wildly depending on season. In the winter the water drops down to about 8 C, maybe lower, and in the summer it can reach 21 C. I know this because I did my PADI open water dives in the Channel and the vis is generally bloody terrible. On occasions you can put you diver computer in contact with the mask and still not see what it is reading. I am put off by the possibility of not seeing a basking shark until it touches you. I know they don't eat/attack humans but an 8 tonne shark coming at you from nowhere with mouth wide open is a little intimidating.

I have always wanted to do a british biotope but am put off by the sewage....

no mate they apparently come from greece, but i have heard rumours the seller collects them from his local beach and aclimatises them himself to his marine tank then sells them.
id love a biotype setup but i do not know anywhere selling cold water marine fish or inverts

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