tell it to me straight doc..

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crazy betta lady 0.o
Mar 18, 2005
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fort worth texas
ok so yea angelo is all :) and im all :( cause it looks like fin rot... but it may be his plant.. what do you think???

well it looks kind of crinkly on the ends, was it like that before?

I would just keep the water super clean and add a little salt :dunno:
well see freckles normal coloring is black and no it wasnt like that before!

salt eh? guess i have to do a 100% water change today i can prepare their medications... i was tihnking about starting off with some bettafix :) or macaryn II

wish is better
:unsure: I dont know for sure... its hard to tell. If it has changed since you got him, its either fin rot or a torn tail. I think you got him from WM? If so, it probably is fin rot. Add aquarium salt and do lots of full water changes. Indian Almond Leaves might also help if you can get ahold of them... is you plant plastic or silk? If its plastic,and you think it had caused this, replace it with a softer silk plant.

Did you upgrade his tank? :thumbs:
I'd personally just do more frequent water changes and possibly add some meds to deal with torn fins and then keep an eye on him.

Never tried salt before, heard a lot of people say that it's good stuff though.

It will be fairly obvious if it's fin rot or not soon. If it's a tear then it will heal fast with proper care and if it's fin rot then it will get bigger, keep us updated!
It looks like fin rot to me, but I'm no expert. Almost every betta I've gotten from WM has had it, and that's what they looked like. I would do like the others said and add salt and do very frequent water changes. If it gets more serious then start medicating.
i got him from petsmart
and the plant is plastic
and it was like this 2 days ago
edit: his tank is the other side of a 2.5G
Not trying to change the topic, but I have a stupid question.

In the pix that were posted, the dorsal fin (top fin if i'm using the wrong name) has some splits in it, and isn't one solid piece. Is this normal? Or is it fin rot or torn fins?

EDIT: I'm asking this more for my own benefit because I am seeing this on my WM bettas i brougth home on friday.
I don't know. I don't think it looks like rot at all. No discoloration or anything. I'd say it's the plant. Plastic is evil. Go to Walmart and get a 3-pack of silks for a couple bucks. Your fishy will love you dearly for it. I'd treat with a little salt and some heat (and it shouldn't hurt the other fish). He should be fine. Frequent water changes will also be good for him, too.

The dorsal fin is fine. There aren't splits as much as just a little fringe on his fin. Perfectly normal. :)
tttnjfttt said:
Not trying to change the topic, but I have a stupid question.

In the pix that were posted, the dorsal fin (top fin if i'm using the wrong name) has some splits in it, and isn't one solid piece. Is this normal? Or is it fin rot or torn fins?

EDIT: I'm asking this more for my own benefit because I am seeing this on my WM bettas i brougth home on friday.
It's perfectly normal. A lot of bettas have rays on their dorsals that extend out like that :)

As for the tail, it's hard to tell from the pics, but my bet is that it's just torn. Is there any discolouration at the ends where it looks torn? I didn't see any in the pics which is why I was guessing he might have just ripped it on the plant. Try taking the plant out and see if he heals up.
I thought the edges looked discolored, but maybe that's just his coloring that I was seeing.

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