Teeny Tiny Betta Bowl


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score
England (Yorkshire)
I have just seen this betta bowl on ebay


,looks really cool but i am a bit worried about any fish you might put in it. Its a bit small aint it?

Just wondering if there is anything else i could put in it at all. Not just plants though. Something thats small enough to fit in that environment. What about those shrimp things.

What do u think about its size for a betta and what else do you think would happily live in there.
My personal opinion is that it's wayyy too small. infact the more i look at it, the more I'm horrified. :no:
Well, it is pretty much 1 US gallon, (0.9513 US gallons to be precise) which is recommended as the minimum, however i would not put a betta in that, as I think that 1 US gallon is too small, and 2.5 would be my personal minimum. Plus, unless there is a flap covering that hole at the top, then the betta would jump out. so imo, and probably most other peoples on this forum, it is too small. Have you seen that they suggest that a goldfish is suitable for one of them? well, unless theyre going to make a 20 gallon one to put on your wall then that is disgraceful, especially with no filter. Plus, you could get a much better, bigger betta tank for the price they are charging for that.
IMO Fish are not decor.They are pets.They should have 1 gal or more bowl.
Just another way to creat more money for the pocketbook. Don't see why they can't create something at least twice as large so that the fish could really have a home. Can't see however how this is much less horrifing than the containers that PETCO and PETSMART sell as betta homes, some are as small or just a little larger than the tiny containers you buy them in---plus you have to spend 5.00 on up for them, might as well go to WALMART and buy a small food container which would be larger for the fish and cheaper.
Plus, unless there is a flap covering that hole at the top, then the betta would jump out. so imo, and probably most other peoples on this forum, it is too small. Have you seen that they suggest that a goldfish is suitable for one of them? well, unless theyre going to make a 20 gallon one to put on your wall then that is disgraceful, especially with no filter. Plus, you could get a much better, bigger betta tank for the price they are charging for that.

Would you really want to trust any tank to hang by one nail? :lol: I personally detest the things, and don't think they are at all safe. Around where I live we have occasional tremors, not full scale earthquakes and not often, but enough that I wouldn't want ANY fish tank hanging on a wall. ^_^
i have a one gallon tank for both my bettas and theyre okay with it.. i think.. how can you tell?
I think it's fine, but not optimal. 1 gallon is fine, and at least where I live there has never been a tremor or earthquake, it's the last thing on my mind... It's, at the very least, better than the quart sized "perfect for bettas" containers that they sell here. Ugh. :-( Those make me angry.

You can only really tell if you put them in a bigger one... you'll notice they are more active. They enjoy the room. 2.5-5 gallons I think is optimal for most long-finned bettas.
Thanks for your advise, but i did ask if there was anything else i could put in it, i noticed the hole and thought it might jump out too
You could probably get some ADF's(African Dwarf Frogs) and you could probably get 2 or 3 in there. They are pretty cool totally aquatic frogs but the down side to them is you have to feed them live food at least twice a week. But thats an option. You could get some ghost shrimp in there too probably.
I wouldn't put anything in there. Just imagine how difficult it must be to change the water alone. I guess one Betta could live in it, if you used some sort of breathable mess fabric to cover the hole in the top, and you couldn't add ANYthing else with the Betta. Less than 1g is way too small for 2 or 3 ADF's.
You could probably get some ADF's(African Dwarf Frogs) and you could probably get 2 or 3 in there. They are pretty cool totally aquatic frogs but the down side to them is you have to feed them live food at least twice a week. But thats an option. You could get some ghost shrimp in there too probably.
:crazy: In one gallon with a betta? No way. Just one betta in that much water is pushing it as it is.
I thought it meant that they werent gonna get a betta and wanted an alternative so I said what I said, sorry if I comprehended wrong.
Time and time again these tanks come up on here and i say the same thing. For that price i can go out and get a mini heater and 3 gallon tank :) much better and more aesthetically pleasing in my eye ;)

I thought it meant that they werent gonna get a betta and wanted an alternative so I said what I said, sorry if I comprehended wrong.
Ah... well I dunno, maybe that is what was meant and I misunderstood, lol. That's still not big enough for ADFs on their own anyway though. Supposedly they're pretty big poop machines.

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