Fish Connoisseur
The weekly gravel vacuum is coming up in the cory tank (5 peppereds in 70 ltr tank), and looking at it it suddenly struck me that the most disgustingly dirty part is going to be their den, the back of a stump of bogwood, where they spend most of their time piled on top of one another, bit like a teenagers' den really.
Should I move it and gravel- and if so, how often?
I don't want them to think I don't respect their privacy, but I don't want them to suffocate in their own filth either.
What do your reckon, how often?
Should I move it and gravel- and if so, how often?
I don't want them to think I don't respect their privacy, but I don't want them to suffocate in their own filth either.
What do your reckon, how often?