OO yay.. more tattoo ppl! heh I'm gonna ramble on for a bit so forgive me heh
I only have 2.5... I say .5 b/c well.. there is a tiny one on my hand that I did myself that I couldn't finish b/c I kept hitting a certain spot that didn't feel good heh.
My first one is one my right calf... got it when I was gosh.. 15 I think. I begged and begged and begged my dad, and he finally let me get one.
It's just of a wolf head howling, with a crescent blue moon behind it. One of those standard images you see in tattoo books.. well cept for the moon part. People always mistake it for a bull from far away lol.
My 2nd tattoo... well.. I wish I had never gotten it. It covers from my mid back to my shoulders. It's a picture of a fairy I drew coming out of a flower. It's black and white but totally shaded.
Took SO freaking long to do and hurt like someone was taking a razor blade to my back.. which is why I'm never getting it colored rofl. Also the tattoo-ist didn't center it on my back so it's slightly off center :\
I wish I had waited before getting it though... but meh.. what can ya do! lol
One of these days if I feel up to it, I might get more added to the one on my back to make it look better.
I am seriously considering getting a betta tattoo though. If I an draw one up that I like I would love to get it.. probably on my other calf
OO my bf and his sister went down to florida a while ago to get their tattoos done by that place that is on that show Miami Ink. They weren't on the show.. apparently they only film on the weekends and they went during the weekdays. Word of advice.. don't go there unless you're willing to spend ALOT of money on your tat.
I drew both of their tattoos... this is the one his sister got on her upper middle back (right below the neck)
2 guys worked on both of their tattoos.. one did the outline stuff and the other did the color
One of them working on the spots
And the final product.. he forgot to fill in one dot and didn't fill in the other all the way

heh She's planning on getting more though (that tattoo addiction kicked in BIG time for her) so she can get those taken care of whenever she gets more.
And this is what I drew for bf to get. It's a catfish. His friend's mother gave him that nickname way back in the day so he wanted a catfish tattoo....
Don't have a pic of the tattoo on him. I did but I must've deleted it for some reason :\ It's basically the same as the picture though. They changed the water to a more traditional tattoo water design which I'm glad for b/c I think mind totally sucks heh.
No pics of my tattoos though... MUAHAHAHA