Tattoo's Whos Got What

Tattoo's just scratch i would not call it pain, i however got my tat going through my nipple's, now that did make my eye's water lol :good:

Ouch! I'm really too much of a wimp & too old now to get one
Tattoo's just scratch i would not call it pain, i however got my tat going through my nipple's, now that did make my eye's water lol :good:

Ouch! I'm really too much of a wimp & too old now to get one

my tattoo took 2 years to complete doing weekly sits maybe i just got used to the pain lol im no spring chicken anymore :p
Hmmm. I would call it pain.
heres my new one not finished yet as i want to do theinner arm and go down to the forearm



breathed in as much as i could :lol:
I have lots :) and more planned!

All mine are uploaded to the following album:-

If I'd ever been tempted to have one, that's the one I'd have lol
Had mine for about 2 years - got it done after I'd cycled the Tour de France - the front is the town where I set off from, and the back is based on a picture that I took off the top of one of the mountains in the Alps. The script reads "A Moi le Souvenir, A Eux L'Immortalite" - I remember so that they will live forever.

they are cool I like thsoe and such a good personal idea
they are cool I like thsoe and such a good personal idea

Cheers Simon - it looks a bit flat in the pictures, but the artist has actually wrapped my leg in a way which gives it a really 3d effect in real life - I was walking along with my girlfriend recently and she started pointing out just how much people stare!
Hoping to get my chest/ribs done over the next 6 months - think that might be a bit more sore than having my leg done!

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