
They are beautiful and I am fascinated with watching them, but I've never had one as a pet. I did hold one once as a child, a neighbor of mine had one and he told me it was gentle and wouldn't bite, and it didn't. I really don't recall being nervous about it at all. I probably wouldn't just go picking them up on my own unless I knew more about the individual spider. I don't fear spiders but I do jump if one unexpectly drops onto me, but I think that is a pretty natural reaction :p I don't fear grasshoppers either but if one suddenly jumps and lands on my face it still startles me :D
I took the lid off to take the picture...Most of the one's that I have do not need high humidity. They like it at about 50 percent humidity. My Pinktoe on the other hand likes it to stay about 70 percent, but I have no problems controling the hunidity for my buggies. They live a pretty happy life...as far as I can tell...lol. :thumbs: EDIT:::NEW PIC!!!::::


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