Tarantula... Yikes!

M.R Otter

May 13, 2009
Reaction score
U.A.E-in the city of Dubai.
Howdy fellas!! I had got a Tarantula lately!! just couple of days ago, and I was wondering if someone could help me with these Quistions:
(1) what are the best things or bugs should be fed to my Tarantula? I heard that Pinkie mice (Baby mice) are usually fed to Tarantulas, is it true?
(2) How long can Tarantula Live?
(3) is it a good idea to handel them? But I won't anyway (Hence those anormous FANGS).

The Tarantula that I have is, I think it's called a (ROSE HAIRED). and is it normal for it to stay on the glass wall instead of the ground? the substrate is Soil by the way.
I really hate to say this :sad: ....but I'm gonna anyway!!!!!

Did you not do any research before you bought the thing?????????????? [Thing because I hate spiders]
Would you nothave been better off asking advice from the seller....or Googling tarantular care??????

Good luck


edit: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q...+care&meta=
Sorry If I had disgussted you..... but I wouldn't possibly post threads or posts about anything if I can do some research on what I want.... the problem is, google don't work well in my computer....... whatever I google the page appears white. Even the link you gave me appears as a white page.

and by the way what I'm talking about is not a spider.... it's a tarantula!! no difference right?

and when I asked the seller about how often to feed it, he shouted "BUY IT OR LEAVE IT OR LEAVE THE SHOP".... Indian people do get mad quickly don't they?
You haven't 'disgusted' me....seen far worse posts on forums than yours!

Sorry if I tried to help....and offended you....see works both ways....my psychic abilities are a little off today and I did not realise you could not get Google!!!!!

Try these instead..............




Do you know how much it killed me to do that?????????????????

I HAD TO LOOK AT PICTURES OF SPIDERS :sick: .......eight legs....it's a spider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa x

edit: I'd have left the shop :p
hehehe.... you guys are so funny :lol: I didn't know that members of TFF are scared of spiders..heheehehe...... thank for all the info guys.

hehe i love spiders! i have spider "buddys" at work, they have big fangs but dont bite me when i pick them up?? i think its more a myth you know, a spider doesnt tend to bite you unless it is an aggressive one....and trantulas are not aggresive (ok a few species are but i dont think yours is) we had (a long time ago) a red knee'd tranatular....wow he was cool and as big as my hand!! you should google a "goliath" spider lol :lol:

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