
Fish Fanatic
Jun 23, 2004
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Norcal CA
i have...HAD 2 fish, mossflower [bright green] and slurpee [dark blue] regular betta's bought at walmart at adult stage, so i clean the fish thing [dechlorinate it] and go out for my regular basketball and stuff, while i was gone my mom cleaned the tanks AGAIN cuz my 11 year old oblivious brother complained to her and stuff..he's spoiled okya? okay so i come home, and everything seems fine waters clear, no excess food waste, no feces fish seems just fine cept it seems to be swiimming oddly, but just a lil differently not that obvious.. [stared at it for like 3 minutes so i saw it] it was just a lil ... jerk to both their swims so i ignored it cuz i dont know! gah i was exhausted and blahhh oh gahhh :angry: :angry: :angry: cant believe i didnt do anything!

so i wake up tomorrow, mossflower is dead NOOOO :byebye: :byebye: so i wrap him in tissue and then place him in a box to be buried in the garden later... then i go take a look at slurpee..oh thank heavens he's alive! so i replace the water figuring that its something with the water affecting the little fish, cuz it coudnt be something else cuz they're in different rooms, then i realize that slurpee isnt up to his old tricks and slicks geh!! he's not swimming a lot, and when i place my hand around the jar to pick it up he doesnt move or anything...and also his head doesnt look healthy...it looks pale..not blue its like green and where he flares up his thing its sorta red so i paniCK1! then i go on the computer and research for several hours... no exxagerating and find out about all these diseases.. but i dont know whats wrong with him! i kant fit each disease to which, i guess its cuz im so stressed, kant thing straight... i dont know whats going on!! Is there a particular thing that happens to the fish due to fresh tapwater? if so please tell me! he seems to have a hard time rising to the surface, and when he falls down to the bottom, he doesnt avoid the accesory in the middle and just bumps into it and slides off, then stays where he fell, whats going on? is there a cure? ill post a picture later...mom says i have to get off cuz its 2 am and im still looking up stuff on bettas! Any cLues? :-( :-( :-(
Sorry to say this, he will probably die because chlorine > fish.

You could try a 100% water change and add a stress coat type product to help calm him down.
My betta acted like that when it got to cold, so maybe your mom used cold water, and it's not because of chlorine...I hope...Here's to hoping it gets better....
i dont think that chlorine kills bettas. I once had to put mine in a 5gallon tank with water from tap, and he did fine. Sorry about your fish, hope the other one will be fine.
YES! CHLORINE DOES KILL FISH! welll everyones tap has different amounts of chlorine and just because someone else got lucky by using chlorinated water(although i have NO idea why they would even try), doesnt mean you will too. if the other one died, he will probably die too if you dont do something about it. yes i agree-just change the water properly with some stresscoat or a similar slime-coat producing product. pour the new water little by little into his cup/bag and let him adjust to avoid stressing him out more.
**please educate people in your household about a fish s needs and most importantly-not to take on something themselves if they dont know how to do it. one of my first bettas that i had was set in the window in the winter by my mom.**
:( sigh... so there no cure at all? he's been living 2 nights more, a stress reliever? what brand? ill try that..any other suggestions? ill buy/do anything :(
it rely depends on where u live. if u live in a big town or city with a water treatment plant they use clorine to clean water. clorine will kill ur fish, thats y if ur from the city u need to make sure u know wats in that water. people like me how ever live in the middle of freakin nowhere and have our water pumped up out of the ground. so i can just stick my fish in it and they'll b ok.
o yea and im very sry about ur fish :sad: he sounded really pretty.

im not sure y everyone is telling u your other fish is goin to die but i dont think hes gunna. jus change out half the water everyday and medicate him with stress reducers. if u have kept him going this long he will be ok. eventually he will snap out of it. ;)

>is he eating?

>are there sighns of improvement?

keep me posted ;)
stresscoat, novaqua, bio-coat, or something like that. you need to get him something quickly! do you not have any of those?
thankx!! yeah i bought some stress reliever things today, he's not eating, but he's moving a bit more now, im trying to get the water to like a 78 degrees like this betta thing said about sick bettas, hopefully he'll get better, ill post on the results it tomorrow in the mean time i needa check on Tai-dye and my tropical fish thank you all for your helpful advice :)
yes-he should definately be kept very warm while he is recovering. a little warmer than normal-maybe 82?

glad he is doing a little better ;)
hehe slurpie is doing better, im still doing the treatment thing though, but he swims to the top of the tank a lot more frequently now, and he swims faster =] :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D thaNkx EVerYONE! also his head is getting more dark blue just like it was before yaY! n' ill try to get him to a temp of 80 so brb im gonna go take care of slurpie =]
I'm so happy to hear that Slurpie is doing better! I'm sorry to hear about the other though, but on the bright side atleast you were able to save the other :)

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