Tap Water


Fish Fanatic
Oct 30, 2007
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evening all i wonder if someone might be able to help me cal i use tap water if im just keeping fish and no live rock etc? as im sure i see a topic somewhere that said tap water is fine for a fish only saltwater tank. just need conformation.
if i ever decide to add rock will i have to change the water and totaly clean tank out?
oh interesting as i did actually think that to have live rock i would of had to use ro water........but if i can have fish and live rock in declor tap water this would be great. and sounds good to me
If you have "Good" Tap water, you can use it for reef systems IMO. I've used only tap water on my reef system for 3 years now. Don't even have algae problems anymore.
I would really like to advocate here that only experienced aquarists use tap water in reef systems. They are quickly able to see problems starting to happen and get take action to rectify the problems.

Seffie x
can you leave the water sitting for 24hrs and let it evaporate the chlorine, is this good does it work?
I constantly have 6 or 7 1G jugs of water siting out. -_-
I still add a dechlorinator (Brand: Stress Coat) before I add, especially to the baby tank.
well i decided to get ro water once i sorced a container lol i thought it would be much easier to go and get ro rather than messing around with tap water
also i was thinking of adding another power head in my nano tank just to create more movement in the water........now i have this idea just tell me im probly being stupid but i have a small pump that came out of an old water feature like one that sits on a coffee table and a ball use to spin round on the top..........could i use this type of pump just to create more movement?
and i have just checked it and it pumps 400 l/h well verible from 50>>>400 lts hr

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