Tap water testing


New Member
Oct 15, 2020
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Apologies, if this is a daft question.

When testing your tap water for Hardness, Ph etc. do you test cold, hot, both or a mix at close to your tank temperature?
I test at tank temp but for hardness I have not noticed any difference when using my hardness test pen.
You have one main riser feeding both hot and cold water so there shouldn't be any difference. Unless you have water softeners plumbed in after the source is split.
Doesn't make any difference. Most people just test cold because all the water is the same and hot water will be the same as cold.

With pH, you can test straight out of the tap, and then let the water stand for 24 hours before testing it again. If the pH changes after 24 hours, then it is being artificially buffered at the water company and the pH in your tank will change 24 hours after a water change. To prevent this you can hold the water in a plastic bucket/ storage container for 24 hours before dechlorinating and using it. Try to aerate the water while it's in the holding bucket and for 30 minutes after you dechlorinate it.

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