Essentially you can use either, though (as always in life) there are areas to take into consideration.
If you are keeping a reef then you really want to try and use RO water. Lynden discovered the hard way (and he will be the first to admit this) just how much work you can find yourself doing to combat the effects of phsophates and silicates in a high light tank with sensitive inverts conatined therein.
However, when keeping FO or FOWLR then you have more options. The problems from tap water only really affect inverts or those wanting clean looking tanks with large amounts of light. A FO or FOWLR only needs light enough for you to be happy to see the fish and any minerals and elements found in tap water are highly unlikely to cause issues with fish so long as you use a decent dechlorinator (with Seachem's Prime being the dechlor of choice here).
If you run multiple tanks then you can do as I do; use the "waste" water from water changing a reef as the "new" water in a pred tank.
So, broadly speaking, my recommendations are:
FO: Either
FOWLR: Either
Reef: RO