Tanks with no plastic trim?


Fish Crazy
May 10, 2005
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United States
Hello all! I have a 15 gallon tall tank that I got from petsmart, but I really don't like how it looks! It has that black plastic trim around the bottom and top, and I hate it!

Does anyone know how common it is to find aquariums with absolutely no black platic trim, or any trim at all? In othe words, I want a tank with only glass and no plastic.

I noticed in the latest issue of Tropical Fish Hobbyist that Amano's ADA tank was exactly like what I have just described, and its beautiful!! Does anyone know where I could obtain an ADA tank or one similar? Are they only sold in Japan, or can I get one here in the US (I'm in central Michigan)? Is there a reason I never see them? Are they prohibitively expensive?

I have seen them at my lfs, aparently "eurostyle" for a five gallon tank, but it doesn't look economical couldn't hang a hob on it, though not expensive
Plastic trims sometimes can be removed. Is this possible, if not make your own tank with glass and aquarium sealant (silicone). Very easy to make, with the added advantage of constructing custom sizes, to suit the space you have available.
Clearseal tanks dont ushally have any trim! Its just the glass tank and the clear sealent! They are also very cheap!

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