Tanks Starting To Get Somewhere

You should post some pics of you smashing your live rock with a hammer! lol The tank look awsome and like everyone else has said Great photography!
Yeh some great pics you have there, love the corals and the Firefish. Just watch they don't jump out of the tank! :good:

Cheers for replies :good:

:drool: moonstone! love it dude. nice scaping also.

Yes it is a frogspawn nice green tips.
And a nice amount of heads on that trumpet coral, how much was it?

I got the brain and trumpet together Saturday, the brain was priced at £44.99 and the trumpet was priced at £25.99. I said to the guy it sounded a bit expensive for the brain(not that I know what they usually go for) and he agreed and done both for £50 :good:

You should post some pics of you smashing your live rock with a hammer! lol The tank look awsome and like everyone else has said Great photography!

Yeah should have stuck my webcam on the back of the hammer and had "hammercam" :lol:

Yeh some great pics you have there, love the corals and the Firefish. Just watch they don't jump out of the tank! :good:


I've already had a clownfish suicide so the top of the tank is now "fishproof" anyway the firefish don't really venture far from they're cave at the bottom, they just sit in the current and wait for food to come to them!!

Cheers Johnny
I got myself a refractometer off ebay(an aquamedics one) to replace my plastic swing arm hydrometer. It arrived in the post Thursday,I carefully calibrated it with RO water and tested my tank water and........ :shout: 1.030!!!! I gradually reduced the level to 1.025 (or 1.021 as the plastic thing calls it :unsure: !!!!) and what a transformation.....My Green Star Polyps which have never looked right now look great

My Percula Clowns changed colour overnight(especially the black edges to the fins

and everything else seems a whole lot happier. Those plastic swing arm things are sh** don't trust 'em.

Some more great corals you've got there. The frogspawn you have is the more "common" variety, but is still a stunning coral. Also nice Xenia you have there, I got some myself and it glows beautifully under actinic lighting.

As for that flat piece of rock you have I think you should turn it into a mushroom garden. You can usually find individual mushrooms that have grown off colonies in your local fish shop if it is any good. We usually have quite a few in the tanks at work. If you cant find any then I probably have some I could frag for you, I have at least 20 varieties of mushroom.

Yup, swing-arm hydrometers are notoriously inaccurate, they always read low like you're describing. Mine reads 1.022 when the water is acctually 1.027 :unsure:. GSP look great though :)
for the center peice you want you can get a nice green goniopora. Its the one i have in my tank and they are awesome center peices!

Cheers for replies :good: I was going to put a few mushies here and there on sides of the rock (when I find a nice coloured one or two on tiny rocks)rather than on my 'platform' although a 'mushroom garden' of different colours does sound good.
I was looking at a Green Goniopora the other day in the better of my local LFSs but the guy in there told me they are really difficult to keep and have a nasty habbit of dying.
The swing arm hydrometer is headed to the bin!!!!

Anyone for tentacles.......
Thats one hungry lookin coral :hyper:

Your LFS employee is right, Goniopora are very tough to keep, especially the green variety. Red ones seem to have lower mortality rates, but they're still not reccomended for beginners at all
A few changes to the tank this week,firstly I got rid of the two powerheads I had on the right and replaced them with another Seio m620 which gives me loads of flow(overkill really) but doesn't whip things around like the old ones did. Also a couple of new corals.......

A Sinularia(no idea exactly what one)

These were labelled as 'Yellow Button Polyps' but were from the less reliable LFS round here who seem to make up their own names for things or at least their "marine expert" does. In fact the "marine expert" told me yesterday that I "didn't have any calcium in the water cos the RO unit took it all out" I said "of course it does its in the salt mix how do you think the ph goes up to 8.3?".Tosser, I think he thinks I'm not as clever as him and he was going to tuck some of their overpriced supplements into me :no: again tosser( I'd like to think I had more grey matter in my little toe than he does under his 1980's haircut :lol: ).Anyway getting sidetracked.......

The full tank shot.Its getting close to being done...............

Still after something for the flat platform :hey:

Get a really nice looking hermit crab and glue it right in the middle


The full tank shot.Its getting close to being done...............

Done??? Its never over :rolleyes:

I'd put some sort of Open brain (wellsophyllia), Favites brain, or maybe a Cynarina Deshayesiana 8)
A nice sun coral would look great in there. I agree that mushrooms would look sweet on your flat bit
Get a really nice looking hermit crab and glue it right in the middle :p

I'd put some sort of Open brain (wellsophyllia), Favites brain, or maybe a Cynarina Deshayesiana 8)
Open brain is certainly a posiibility

A nice sun coral would look great in there. I agree that mushrooms would look sweet on your flat bit

On the mushie front I neary bought a big pink and green one with feathery bits on it the other day(sorry no idea what it was called, LFS had it labelled as 'Large Mushroom').

They had several 'Staghorn Corals' (Acropora) which really caught my eye but I'm not sure if I could have one or not. From what I've read they should be OK under my t5s(96w over 30g) but I'm not sure about compatability with the rest of the corals. This doubt was put in my mind by the dodgy LFS "marine expert" but he might of just been trying to sound Knowledgeable as usual!!
Your thoughts please :good:

Actually, there is some truth to those comments on the acros. Your light isn't the highest, and while you could support Staghorns and other acros, the growth rate and color would probably not be the greatest. Furthermore, you have a lot of softes that could engage in some alleopathic warfare to slow the growth of any SPS. Prolly best to stick with more softies or LPS like you have :good:

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