Had the tank filled for 48 hours now, was full of oxygen bubbles at the start but now they've all gone the waters gone cloudy
Is this normal?
If not any way to get it clear again?
What have you got in the tank?
Live plants?
It could be a bacterial bloom but I can't think of why that would happen...
And did you cycle your tank?
Got 8-10 live plants and 2 guppies.
Went for the fish in type rather than fish out hence why I only got 2 fish rather than about 20
Changed your mind from the fishless cycle? Completely your choice, of course, but are you aware of what maybe required from now on though? Did you manage to get a test kit?
Yeah got a bit too impatient lol. Just bought a test kit on eBay for 25 quid, made sure it wasn't the strip variation so will give it a bash when it arrives
I'm treating these fish as guinea pigs and I'm fully expecting them to die but if they don't then bonus! But at least I know il have the bacteria or whatever it is to get going