Tanks For Bettas

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thanks everyone for posting your pics
this has given me heaps of ideas
what wonderful tanks you all have :D
Ziand's Half gallon bowl ( these bowls are sold for 10 bucks with betta included at my Really Not so LFS. It did have a fake cactus in there... I took it out in favour of the banana plant.)


And Shatner's 5gal hex

Ezekiel's tank, Ezekiel lives in a four foot 55g/220l tank. The only other occupants are two baby bristlenoses who are being grown out and 4 kuhlis, and boy does Ezekiel love it LOL.

Zadkiel's more modest two foot 20g/80l tank, he's the sole occupant.

I know I'm odd and I'm sure not all bettas would like all the space, but Ezekiel and Zadkiel love it, they originally lived in 2.5g tanks and went into larger tanks more to keep the cycle going then anything else, but they loved it so much, and now their spoilt brats LOL.
Haha, love the betta in the four foot tank. I bet you get loads of people peering in going "where's the fish?"
I use a wonderful 3 gallon totally glass (no ribs) rectanglular picotope tank which came complete with a small picco filter and a light. My guy seems very happy with it. Me, too. I had to order it mail order through some of the catalogs (whose names have slipped my mind right now). I've also forgotten how to get a picture of it that I have in my phone onto this site. If I figure it out, I'll send it!

Forgot to say: Only problm is there's no lid, which only causes a problem because the water evaporates so fast. I'm looking into different glass covers in catalogs, but there's no ventilation....

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