Tankmates For My Betta?


New Member
May 22, 2009
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I have a five gallon tank that I have planted heavily with live plants. The sole resident is my betta. I'm wondering if I would be able to add some shrimp to the tank to help maintain the plants and be interesting in their own right.

Are shrimp suitable tankmates for a betta? If so, is there a preferred type of shrimp for the tank-size?

Input is appreciated! Thanks in advance.
hiya! :)

You could add shrimp to the tank. Some bettas completely ignore them, whereas some think they are a treat and munch on them. Its entirely reflective of the bettas temperament. Although any shrimp will be ok, red cherry shrimp are the most common.

You could try some small snails, as bettas wont be able to eat these. Something like Malaysian trumpet snails or even Ramshorn snails. IMO Apple snails produce alot of waste.

hope that helps.
Amano shrimp will be fine, in a 5 gall, you could put 4 in there. They grow to 2" and are not a problem with bio, their load is small. They are tough shrimp and will give your betta a run for his money, if he starts on them.

They are also one of the best creatures to have in your tank, as they eat near enough all algae andwith 4 -5 in a 5 gal, will make a considerate clean up crew.

Make sure you have a hiding place for them, as when they shred their shell (once a month depending on health), they will have near to no protection for 24hrs, until they hardenup.
I got 3 cherry shrimp and put them in my tank with 4 corys and a betta. They multiplied and now I have about 20 shrimp. I didn't mind at all until I cam back today to see my betta's tail fin shredded. It looks like it must have been the shrimp when the Betta was sleeping on a leaf or on the bottom of the tank. I am raging! I put some medicine in the tank for now, don't know if I sould get rid of the shrimp or what. Don't get too many shrimp like me.
Nothing is too fast for a hungry betta. IMO,I wouldn't go for cherrys or crystals, too small and breed like bunnies. Better suited to Amanos,with bettas :good:

Nothing is too fast for a hungry betta. IMO,I wouldn't go for cherrys or crystals, too small and breed like bunnies. Better suited to Amanos,with bettas :good:
I have 6 red cherry shrimp and 3 golden apple snails in my 17 litre betta tank and they all pretty much ignore each other, unless the betta is going for some food, in which case the shrimps will get out of his way. This tank has been set up for about a month now, decorated with just one large amazon sword plant.
I have 2 cherry shrimp in my tank with a siamese fighting fish and they just ignore each other. I did read somewhere that its hit and miss, some will eat the shrimp as they are a delicacy to the fish and some just leave them alone like mine has!

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