Fish Fanatic
Hello everyone. I have had a 30 gal tropical community tank that I started about 5 years ago and have really been getting into the hobby in the last year or so.
This is a tank we had started for the kids and at this point it is mostly a mix-match "survivor" community of fish that have made it through the years from the "peaceful" aisle at the LFS.
I am upgrading to a 55 gallon tank and I would like to finally have a well balanced community of fish, and am looking for some suggestions from the knowledgeable folks at TFF.
Here is what I have right now in an unplanted sand substrate tank: 2 Melini Cory, 1 Julii Cory (likely trilineatus??), 1 Bristlenose Pleco, 1 Bolivian Ram, 1 Longfin Rosy Barb, 1 Blackskirt Tetra, 1 Purple Glo tetra, 1 Redtail Botia, 1 Zebra Loach.
I recently lost my Electric Blue Acara when he jumped through a small gap in the lid and we found him on the rug a few hours later. We had him for a long time and he was my absolute favorite...
Anyways, I am not against trading a few of these fish in to replace them with better fitting species, but everyone gets along fine right now. I know many of these fish do much better in a larger groups so id like to rectify that (maybe a few more rosy barbs?) And I wouldn't mind getting rid of the tetras at least to replace them with a larger shoal. I was looking at tiger barbs and many people are talking them up if kept in a large enough group but I am still hesitant. I really like my Corydoras and I would love to get another Electric Blue Acara or another peaceful S.A. Cichlid, any suggestions?
I would love to finally have a planted tank so I was thinking some Java moss/fern and maybe Anubias in the new tank. I am still planning on keeping the sand substrate in the new tank to keep the Corys and the Ram happy, plus it looks great! I would love to hear any suggestions or criticism on my community and how it could be better. Thanks everyone!
This is a tank we had started for the kids and at this point it is mostly a mix-match "survivor" community of fish that have made it through the years from the "peaceful" aisle at the LFS.
I am upgrading to a 55 gallon tank and I would like to finally have a well balanced community of fish, and am looking for some suggestions from the knowledgeable folks at TFF.
Here is what I have right now in an unplanted sand substrate tank: 2 Melini Cory, 1 Julii Cory (likely trilineatus??), 1 Bristlenose Pleco, 1 Bolivian Ram, 1 Longfin Rosy Barb, 1 Blackskirt Tetra, 1 Purple Glo tetra, 1 Redtail Botia, 1 Zebra Loach.
I recently lost my Electric Blue Acara when he jumped through a small gap in the lid and we found him on the rug a few hours later. We had him for a long time and he was my absolute favorite...
Anyways, I am not against trading a few of these fish in to replace them with better fitting species, but everyone gets along fine right now. I know many of these fish do much better in a larger groups so id like to rectify that (maybe a few more rosy barbs?) And I wouldn't mind getting rid of the tetras at least to replace them with a larger shoal. I was looking at tiger barbs and many people are talking them up if kept in a large enough group but I am still hesitant. I really like my Corydoras and I would love to get another Electric Blue Acara or another peaceful S.A. Cichlid, any suggestions?
I would love to finally have a planted tank so I was thinking some Java moss/fern and maybe Anubias in the new tank. I am still planning on keeping the sand substrate in the new tank to keep the Corys and the Ram happy, plus it looks great! I would love to hear any suggestions or criticism on my community and how it could be better. Thanks everyone!