You lucky peeps! Water hyacinth is illegal where I'm at.
Actually it IS invasive where I live too. I've come across it wild in my local river.Yes, and the fact that people might release that plant into natural bodies of water. Such a shame since I think that plant is gorgeous looking.
People dump it, or flash floods wash it out of ponds into our waterways.
I've got some yellowing, I think I need potassium supplements for my plants, tbh.Your water hyacinth really looks great, I received a little frog bite in the mail just a few small leaves and two with a small root. I hope it takes off as nicely as yours.
This is good to know as there isn't a whole lot of info on them.If you think neons are terrors then you wont like kocha blue tetra. They arent too nippy but are very active fast swimmers, slower tetras like black neons will be freaked out by their erratic swimming and the blue tetra will out compete them for food. Blue tetra pair well with bigger or more active tetra like bloodfin, congos, and serpaes. Black neons do well with similar calm swimming tetras like glo lights, von rio rummy nose.
Smaller pencil dish do well. Im surprised your neons were so aggressive, ive had neons with black neons before and the black neons were more nippy. I currently have neons with glo light tetra and the neons fight amongst themselves and leave the glo lights alone. Sometimes a group of tetras can be male heavy which can lead to problems. Good luck dont put the blue tetra with the black neons it wont end well.
I will opt to increase my black neons first and see how they go from there. Mine are really active in the upper level of the tank, they particularly love the hyacinths.
I had 5 males and 5 females for the neons. Good luck having the petstore workers sex them for you haha.
But my black neons are very placid, if just a bit skittish, but don't even squabble among themselves, they come up to the glass when they want food, and they're quite docile. Perfect citizens lol
I really dont know what made my neons so psychotic. Like even to attack my bamboo shrimp