Tankmate Advice: Corys And What?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2012
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right now i have 4 emerald cory cats, and two juli cory cats. ideally i would like to acquire two more julis.. i'm just waiting on my local fish store at this point..
i have a 15 gallon tank.. all natural with a couple plants and a few nice peices of driftwood...
i would kindof like to get a larger loner fish.. who doesnt really bother my corys and just likes to be the king/queen of the tank.. 
most of my research points me to angels.. 
.. any other suggestions? please?
Angels need a 30 gallon tank so they are not going to work in your tank.  2 schools of cories are probably pushing your tank limits as it is as far as bottom feeders.  You would be better off with something like a dwarf gourmani and possibly just keeping your cories to the numbers they are if not trading in the 2 juli for 2 more emerald.
A betta could work just watch for aggression to the cories.  I was just trying to find something that wasn't a betta since all I ever recommend is bettas.  LOL  
I am wondering that too since I haven't seen that expression from anyone not from the southern part of the US.  I happen to use it ALL THE TIME. LOL    Good luck with the gourmani.  They are really nice fish!

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