Tank was cycled


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
Bristol, United Kingdom
Ok water parimeters were

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20

Did a 25% water change, added fish, levels still the same, nitrate at 5ppm, waited seven days levels the same, nitrate still at 5ppm, another water change more fish, this continued for a few weeks, i take my tests this morning and

Ammonia 1.0 (approximate on colour chart)
Nitrite 0.2
Nitrate 5ppm

Did a 30% water change, waited an hour then tested water again

Nitrite 0.1
Nitrate 5ppm
Ammonia 0.6

2 hours later did another 20% water change, waited an hour and a half the tested again

Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Ammonia 0.6

What is happening with the ammonia, it seems to be fluctuating quite a bit, and i'm assuming that this is a very dangerous level, one of my silver mollys is looking a little lethargic, but i dont know if it is safe to mess with the water anymore.

Please help
Could it be that you have added fish too fast so the bacteria hasnt had time to grow to accomodate the recent additions?

have you tested your tap water? maybe theres something funny going on there...
Although your readings indicate that water chanfes are bringing the ammonia and nitrite levels down as they should..

Try adding a product such as cycle or bacterlife to boost your levels of beneficial bacteria to cope with the excess ammonia and keep up woth the water changes.

Also keep an eye on your molly for any signs of disease that may explain her behaviour if not caused by the water....
As stated above it may be your water change water. Are you using tap water? Test the tap water and give us the results. We can move on from there.

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