tank very clouldy


May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
what is happening? my tank was like crystle clear last 2 weeks until now, i heard that you can only change 40% of the water and i did now i'm gonna change 70%, this has happened to me before and i did a full water change, but i can't always do full water changes so what can i do? usually when i change water i fill my bucket with water for a few days before i change the water. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY TANK? I use Aqua Plus but I don't use Cycle, is that the reason? the filter i use is "Topfin filter used for 20gallons which i only have 10 gallon so it means that i use a filter twice of 10 gallon but it's still clouldy, please answer ASAP!
How long has your tank been set up? How much are you feeding the fish? You should only change your water 25% a week at the most. A full water change is asking for trouble, as is a 70% change.
Hi Kevin

Is this a new setup, that has just finished cycling?

Is the water milky in colour?

If the answer is yes to both of the above questions, then it is not too uncommon. The clouldy ness should clear in about 2 weeks.
nope i'v had the tank in about 2 months , i feed the fish 10 flakes a day(shop owner told me) and the one i use is the nutrafin max tropical fish flake, complete flake food. the color is not milky but it's kinda green, looks like algae! :sad: :( -_- :unsure:
if it is green and looks like algae it probably is. my new 55 just fininshed cycling (in record time) in 1 1/2 weeks. but the substrate, some of the decor, all of the plants and the power filter all came from an established loaner tank that I had to give back. do you have any type of algae eater? or since your tank is small cover it with a dark towel for a few days and leave the tank light off. the fish will not be happy but will live and the lack of light will starve the algae.
Tanked, i have a tank hood so u mean that i should turn off the lights for a few day, so that the algea would die? i turn the lights on for about 18hours a day, mayby that's why.......
okay, i'm gonna turn off the lights now! but what time should the light turn on and off? i have a timer so that my lights can turn on and off for whatever time i want!
I think what Tanked means is cover the whole tank with a towel so that no outside light gets in at all, turn the timer off and leave the lights out for a couple of days (yes, you should be able to peek in to see how the fish are doing :D ). With no light for a couple of days the algae might die off and your tank clear up.
that is exactly what I meant puffer. no light at all. inside or outside. 18 hours a day is a bit excessive for light too. I have all my tanks on a timer for 12 hours of light per day. too much light will be very stressful for your fish.
Tanked said:
that is exactly what I meant puffer. no light at all. inside or outside. 18 hours a day is a bit excessive for light too. I have all my tanks on a timer for 12 hours of light per day. too much light will be very stressful for your fish.
:p Is your tank new, if so you could have new tank syndrom. you can get some stuff to clear it. do a water change and check you nitrate and nitrite levels.
i have just found the site today and hope im doing the right thing.bye magsamermaid
10-12 hours per day of light for a planted tank and 8-10 hours per day of light for an unplanted tank max TOO MUCH LGHT = ALGAE

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