Tank update


Fish Addict
Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Wel its been about a week since I put some gravel from my 20, into my 60 to speed up the cycle. Under advisement from some nice folks here. It seems to be working. My ammonia is finnaly right where it should be, and Nitrite is halfway there.Thanks all for the help. Ill will keep posting my progress. I cant wait till I can move angel to his new home, when the cycle is done. I will post some pics soon 2.
Well Im thinking another little angel to keep this one company. Also the 2 Rhino pl*cos in with big angel will be moved with her. And probably one type of schooling fish, so Iv got room for a bunch of them. Thatll do for now till Im sure Im not over stocked. Any suggestions for compatible tank mates? I think Iv got the bottom covered, so I need some middle or top swimmers. I like colourful (non dyed) fishies.
I have never noticed them doing any fin nipping and you can usually help this with most fish by giving them enough of there own kind to deal with and they will leave the rest of the fish alone. :)

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