Tank Too Warm

I have this problem in my Via aqua 620 tank, i found ice packs no good. like wilder says the effects are short lived + i was always worried they would squash a fish. Now i leave the lid open as much as possible, leave the lights off while the temps up & turn on my ceiling fan on this all works a treat for me

drape a damp towel and a fan over the tank (put the fan on a timer if you not home so it comes on mid morning if needed) can lower the tank temp by 2-3C depending on the size of the tank.
Ok, but how warm is too warm temp wise?

It sort of depends, for the average tropical fish I dont like to put the water above 80 or so but I dont think a little extra hurts, some fish like discus, rainbowfish, and tetras can handle alot higher tempature (or at least in my experiance) so id say about 85? give or take im not sure exactly. My tank is in the basement were it is really cool so I dont really have the tempature problames
My tank temp is about 92 degrees F. It's summer here and it gets hot during the day. The temp doesn't get much lower at night either.

I've had 4 damsels in the tank for a week and they seem to be ok. Or are they just super sturdy fish that are slowly boiling to death?

Should I just let it be or do I have to do something about it?
My tank temp is about 92 degrees F. It's summer here and it gets hot during the day. The temp doesn't get much lower at night either.

I've had 4 damsels in the tank for a week and they seem to be ok. Or are they just super sturdy fish that are slowly boiling to death?

Should I just let it be or do I have to do something about it?

hmmm.... I dont know... I dont know alot about damsels but if they are like most other fish id try and do something about it, its also important to remember that although they might be able to live in it it may not be the best thing for them health wise... but then again im not any expert so id wait to see what others have to say :)
Thanks for all the ideas people. I'll try lifting the hood adding netting to prevent suicides. Putting cool towels around the top and using a fan. If that doesn't work I'll have to break down and reinstall the ac unit and go back to allergy pills. ( What won't we do to keep our fish happy and healthy LOL )
All i do in summer months is increase aeration and leave the temp alone, but if the temp gets to high i would invest in a chiller.
A chiller is a little out of my price range right now. Maybe when my daughter graduates to a bigger tank say 55-100 gal it will be possible. Right now she is learning with a 10Gal tank. She's only 8 and I don't want to overwhelm her yet. She insists on doing everything herself and right now a bigger tank would be too much for her but I will keep a chiller in mind. Meanwhile I'll look into aerators for her.
Ok, good luck.

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