Tank Temp


New Member
Aug 12, 2014
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My tank temp is 79 F but my room temp is 72 and there’s no heater in the tank. What’s going on? Could the air from the air pump be warming the tank? Thanks
My tank temp is 79 F but my room temp is 72 and there’s no heater in the tank. What’s going on? Could the air from the air pump be warming the tank? Thanks
Hello. What's your worry? Most tropical fish are fine in water that stays between 75 and 82 degrees. As long as the temperature is constant, you're good. Just keep a tank that's a decent size, say 20 gallons or so and remove and replace half the water every few days.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Equipment adds heat to tanks. Filters, air pumps and powerheads all generate heat when they run. And some of this ends up in a tank especially anything in the water full time. Also lights can add heat to tanks. Depending on the type this will vary. And then, as noted so can direct sunlight.

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