Tank Stocking


New Member
Dec 18, 2007
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ok, I have two tanks: a 20 gal long and a 10 gal. (the 20 stays at home while the 10 travels to school when I'm there, however I'm taking a semester off so it'll be home until atleast Sept. 08)

originally I was going to stock my 10 gal with a pair of honey gourami and some cory fish, but then I ran into the bolivian ram and have since fallen in love :blush: (then I cheated on the ram with the multi shell dwellers! shame on me, I know!)

SO, I'm in a hard debate... stock for a 10 gal, but use my 20, or just get my bolivian rams :drool:

here's what I was thinking in terms of options, but I need opinions:

A. (20 only I suppose)
1 pair of bolivian rams
1 pair of honey gourami or 2-3 sparkling gourami
1 pleco

B. (10 or 20)
1-2 pair of Lamprologus' multifasciatus (multies) or Lamprologus meleagris
2-3 sparkling gourami
some med-large snails

C. (20 ... bad idea, not gonna happen ... wishful thinking though :sad: )
1 pair bolivian rams
1 pair shell dwellers
2-3 sparkling gourami
some snails

I know rams are sensetive so I wouldn't be getting anything until my tanks are both completely cycled (I currently have some dalmation mollies but the constant and unannounced breeding is driving me nuts ... I've got 1 adult, 2 juvi's and 9 fry in a 20 gal and I spotted some more fry just recently ... my chick needs to stop holding sperm!) and stable.
my current parameters are 0 for ammonia and nitrites, 20 for nitrates (yikes), 7.6 pH (good for my rams if research prooves me well!). oh and I do plan on getting some plants in there soon to soak up some of those nitrates.

so, yeah, if anyone has any ideas, that'd be really helpful. (sorry if this is in the wrong place btw!)
So you are trying to stock a 10 or the 20g? I'm sorry, I've gotten a little confused.
If it's a 10g, put in the shellies, maybe a couple of white clouds for dithers. The sparkling gouramis are a bit shy themselves and I think they prefer softer water than the lamps.
If it's a 20g, go with the pair of bolivians, a few sparkling gouramis and maybe a small school (5-6)of something -- black neon or lemon tetras or harlequin rasboras are some nice ones.
You don't want to mix the rams and shellies for many reasons. I'd also skip the plec (unless it's a very small kind like the rubberlip) bc they'll just create a HUGE amount of waste and the rams really need clean water and it will outgrow the tank quickly.
I hope this helps!
So you are trying to stock a 10 or the 20g? I'm sorry, I've gotten a little confused.
If it's a 10g, put in the shellies, maybe a couple of white clouds for dithers. The sparkling gouramis are a bit shy themselves and I think they prefer softer water than the lamps.
If it's a 20g, go with the pair of bolivians, a few sparkling gouramis and maybe a small school (5-6)of something -- black neon or lemon tetras or harlequin rasboras are some nice ones.
You don't want to mix the rams and shellies for many reasons. I'd also skip the plec (unless it's a very small kind like the rubberlip) bc they'll just create a HUGE amount of waste and the rams really need clean water and it will outgrow the tank quickly.
I hope this helps!


the post was kinda just for ideas sake, I am getting a pair of L. Brevis Zebra for my empty 10 gal tank, and I'm going to wait until they settle in and are comphy before I think about possibly adding a top dweller.

The 20 gal is currently filled with my Dalmation molly mother and her millions of babies (... ok 2 juvi, 9 young and I just found 12 more fry! she wont stop! :shout: ) but like I said, I was just getting ideas for that one for the semi-distant future (aka after I graduate), but thank you a million!

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