Tank Stock


Fish Fanatic
May 4, 2009
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30 Gallon tank, trying to decide what kind o fishies in there. Since Tiger barbs are on my no no list now... (thanks michael stripe)

Butterfly Pleco <--- my must have fish

8-10 Harlequin Raspbora

and some other semi bottom feeder ? Red Tailed or Rainbow shark?

Was originally hopeing of doing Clown Loaches (I love them, and I do intend on getting a much larger tank within the year) but wouldn't want to keep them in a group smaller than 3 would not leave me any room for the pleco even if plannin on transplanting into the larger tank come next spring.

Guess looking to actually have a stocked tank that isn't aggressive
Tank seems a bit small for a rainbow/rtbs. Zebra or yoyo loaches might be ok.
If you were definately getting a much larger aquarium within a year then you may get away with the Clown Loaches. They do get very large, but they're not very quick growers.
Do the Yoyo Loaches have a similar personality to the clowns?

Sorta hoping to do 3 bottom feeders, 6-8 Raspora, and the butterfly pleco and then transplant into the bigger tank next year
Do the Yoyo Loaches have a similar personality to the clowns?

Sorta hoping to do 3 bottom feeders, 6-8 Raspora, and the butterfly pleco and then transplant into the bigger tank next year

Yoyos are similar to the clowns in temperament. 30 gal is on the small side for them as they can get to 4-5". Try dwarf chain loaches.
Will be getting a much larger tank within the year. Undecided between a 5 foot or 6 foot tank, more or less depending on what the wife is willing to let me get :p So size won't be as much of an issue. I also can't get the snake like looking loaches, due to wife not letting me lol
Doing some researching on various websites, the fishies I be talking about show that they like a PH level more 6.0-7.0

My tank stays more in lines of 7.2-7.4 , how much of an issue does that become?
Doing some researching on various websites, the fishies I be talking about show that they like a PH level more 6.0-7.0

My tank stays more in lines of 7.2-7.4 , how much of an issue does that become?
This is a non-issue with most common tropical community dwellers. Most of them have long ago become more tank-bred and less wild-caught. Having the hardness of the water be stable (which usually means you are secondarily not seeing large swings in pH, in other words "stable pH rather than a particular pH) is more important than customizing the pH for a particular species. Not only that but you've got a nice neutral pH going there anyway, which is helpful if your different species like different ranges.


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