Tank smells of eggs


Fish Crazy
Aug 10, 2022
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So as the title says my 30 gallon smells of eggs. Is this anything to be concerned about and how do I fix the problem. I first started to notice this around 2 months ago when I was doing my weekly water change. I thought nothing of it at first but it's be continuing since. And later started happening often even without a water change. After a few weeks I first thought was I was over feeding. So I've cut back on that. It has made a difference it's not as bad but it is still noticeable. So is their anything I've missed. The tank is a good year and a half old ( soon to be my South East Asian tank). I've never had this before. Last week I had done a massive water change and removed some of the gravel. It absolutely stank. I topped the tank up and drained it to try and remove the the stired up dirt. It did improve it but it is still noticeable. The tank is under stocked having around 6 endler livebearers one three spot gourami 11 kuhli Loach's and my newest fish 3 wrestling halfbeaks. I am feeding more recently as I'm trying to get the halfbeaks on flake food. So far two have accepted it. Their is a tone of snails ( the population has gotten slightly smaller). For filtration two Internal filters, one massive pothos, a monstera and a small pothos. So the problem is certainly not filtration. Incase its needed the lighting is a desk light as I'm waiting for a replacement aquarium light. Is their any way to solve this. Thanks.

Also I know I have been gone lately. I'm hopeful going to be move active.
Is it an egg smell or a rotten egg smell? Sulfur dioxide (rotten egg smell) is from decaying vegetation, dead fish, dirty substrate or filter. Something is out of balance in your tank. Have you smelled your tap water? Does it have that odor? Are you using a different water conditioner or some plant food that has that smell?
Is it an egg smell or a rotten egg smell? Sulfur dioxide (rotten egg smell) is from decaying vegetation, dead fish, dirty substrate or filter. Something is out of balance in your tank. Have you smelled your tap water? Does it have that odor? Are you using a different water conditioner or some plant food that has that smell?
Thanks for the help. Yes it is a rotten egg smell. I'm assuming it is something in the substrate. I have smelled my tap water and my other tank they both don't smell. I've be using the same water conditioner for months now. I don't currently fertilize my tank.
Do you have any wood in the tank? That can smell peculiar.
So as the title says my 30 gallon smells of eggs. Is this anything to be concerned about and how do I fix the problem. I first started to notice this around 2 months ago when I was doing my weekly water change. I thought nothing of it at first but it's be continuing since. And later started happening often even without a water change. After a few weeks I first thought was I was over feeding. So I've cut back on that. It has made a difference it's not as bad but it is still noticeable. So is their anything I've missed. The tank is a good year and a half old ( soon to be my South East Asian tank). I've never had this before. Last week I had done a massive water change and removed some of the gravel. It absolutely stank. I topped the tank up and drained it to try and remove the the stired up dirt. It did improve it but it is still noticeable. The tank is under stocked having around 6 endler livebearers one three spot gourami 11 kuhli Loach's and my newest fish 3 wrestling halfbeaks. I am feeding more recently as I'm trying to get the halfbeaks on flake food. So far two have accepted it. Their is a tone of snails ( the population has gotten slightly smaller). For filtration two Internal filters, one massive pothos, a monstera and a small pothos. So the problem is certainly not filtration. Incase its needed the lighting is a desk light as I'm waiting for a replacement aquarium light. Is their any way to solve this. Thanks.

Also I know I have been gone lately. I'm hopeful going to be move active.
did a snail die? sometimes when they die the tank smells awful
the fish food that you feed more frequently may have rotted in the substrate
Do you have any wood in the tank? That can smell peculiar.
Thanks for the help. I've got a few pieces of wood that have been in their for a good year.
did a snail die? sometimes when they die the tank smells awful
the fish food that you feed more frequently may have rotted in the substrate
I do see died snails here and their but nothing major. Yes it could be the fish food. Would a fish that stirs the gravel fix like Corry catfish the issue
Thanks for the help. I've got a few pieces of wood that have been in their for a good year.

I do see died snails here and their but nothing major. Yes it could be the fish food. Would a fish that stirs the gravel fix like Corry catfish the issue
hmm maybe just vaccuming the gravel more often
I would if I could but the tank is full up with wood ornaments and rocks. As it is being used to hold things that I can see myself using soon
oh i see, then the nooks and crannies of the ornaments would maybe catch food, you can take those out and hose them down
Be careful of disturbing if its coming from the substrate. Releasing too much of it into the water can cause a pH crash. We have had a few members lose fish from that. If its bad and you want to tackle it remove the fish while working and follow with a significant water change

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