Tank Size For Red-bellied Pirahnas


If you're a cory and you know it clap your.. hands
Nov 13, 2005
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what size tank (gallons) is good for red bellies?

how many to get?

take a look over in characins; there are several recent threads discussing piranhas. however, i believe the short answer is a school of 5 in a 125g tank.
I personally hate pirana's you need big tanks and you can only keep 1 species, How tight is that?!
biggest tank larger than 125 gallons that you can afford. it would suck for those piranhas to cannibalize each other because of territorial issues.
I personally hate pirana's you need big tanks and you can only keep 1 species, How tight is that?!

no you dont really need big tanks...... wimple piranhas can live comfortably in a 25 gallon its whole life (check ny ID in the fish profiles) and for other piranhas a 75 gallon should due depending on the species. (maybe a compressus,geryi, spilo, things like that).... and you some species like caribe can mix fine with other species of piranha?

and im assuming your from england because "tight" means just the opposite in the US..... well among the kids anyways
ok, guess its a no for me for red bellies :no:

im getting a new tank soon *hopefully*

i think 150gals is a bit to much, darn, lol
well jus to let ya know i have six red bellied pirahnas, an electric blue lobster, a bronze cory catfish and a plec in a 100 Gallon tank and they get on fine, the pirhnas have their territory and so does the lobster, they have never fought each other, not once!!!!!!

why not try it, ur gona have a big tank, worth a try???????????
Check out the linked webpage I put on the other post theres a page on the piranha site to a list of many species and variteys, all with basic imfomation ie tank size, full grown size etc.


you didnt link any page :no:

could i have a group of them in a 50gal

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