Tank Size For Common Plec


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I may or may not be "inheriting" a common pleco tommorrow (fairly long story). I've had trouble finding a minimum tank size for these guys. I know they can get fairly large (I believe the largest I've heard is 24''). So, two questions...how do you tell a common pleco from some of the "fancier" versions? I ask because I've seen very different looking plecos that all have been labeled as "common plecos". And what is the minimum tank size for these guys? I'm guessing atleast 100 gallons?
it deppends on the tank setup...

an un-cluttered 55 might be ok
however a 100 would be a lot better, and will allow you to devorate it to make it look good for you and the plec :)

Do you have a picture?

if its a mottled brown colour and more than 10" then chances are it'll be a common or a sailfin. (or a cross of the 2)

It'll look similar to 'Mr Catfish' in my sig below.

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