Tank Set Up And Running


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2004
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just a few pics of my tank and livestock bigtank.JPG

messy sump 011005sump.jpg

some coral 011005bushfrags.jpg

some more coral011005lpsmacro.jpg

some more coral011005mushyrockclose.jpg

some more011005polyps.jpg

left hand side of tank011005tankleftside.jpg

middle of tank011005tankmiddle.jpg

rite hand side of tank011005tankrightside.jpg

some more coral011005zoos.jpg


cleaner shrimp and royal grammar in backgoundcleanershrimp.JPG

shrimp thr black spiny urchin shrimpthruurchin011005.jpg

caupleua in sumpsumpagalecuapleua.JPG

looking down thr one side of tanklookdownthrtank.JPG

looking thr other side of tank lookingdownthrtankotherend.JPG
a better word would be MASSIVE! can't belive how big the cleaner shrimp have got!

a sump in a nutshell is basically an extra tank with dividers so that you can set a better filterion for the main tank, make the tank maintanice more managble. mean you can add more water to your system and keep equipment out of the main tank.

i have a a 3 foot tank with dividers as my sump the 1st section is where the tank water runs into the sump and a pump pump water to my skimmer, the 2nd section is a deep sand bed of live sand and mineral mud and has loads different cuapluea agale and live rock about 10kgs, the 3rd is a section form the pump to pump the water back into the main tank and where the water comes after beening skimmed.

So in your sump mate, your skimmer is not acutally inside the sump tank , it sits externally right?

Thanks for that.

a sump in a nutshell is basically an extra tank with dividers so that you can set a better filterion for the main tank, make the tank maintanice more managble. mean you can add more water to your system and keep equipment out of the main tank.

i have a a 3 foot tank with dividers as my sump the 1st section is where the tank water runs into the sump and a pump pump water to my skimmer, the 2nd section is a deep sand bed of live sand and mineral mud and has loads different cuapluea agale and live rock about 10kgs, the 3rd is a section form the pump to pump the water back into the main tank and where the water comes after beening skimmed.

You've come a long way Scarface! The tank is a credit to you! Very nice indeed. :)
Very nice....is that a gorgonian in there? If so, it doesn't look like the photosynthetic type, so, you MUST be doing a good job. Nicely done. Kudos. SH
So in your sump mate, your skimmer is not acutally inside the sump tank , it sits externally right?

yeah my skimmer sits outside the sump mainly cos its a massive skimmer and there wud be no room in actually sump for it to sit taking up room for other imporant things like live rock and live sand and minreal mud.

You've come a long way Scarface! The tank is a credit to you! Very nice indeed.

cheers navarre, been a pain in the backside getting here but been worth it and loving every minute of it now.

Very nice....is that a gorgonian in there? If so, it doesn't look like the photosynthetic type, so, you MUST be doing a good job. Nicely done.

it is a gorgonian mate and was orinally in my seahorse tank but tranfered it over to the main reef tank, all my water readings have been spotted on since starting this tank, ture that the bigger the tabk the easy it is to maintain, only had 2 floods but that was cos of snials in the pipes which won't be happening again cos i have put egg crate in the pipes to stop them crawling in.

still a few things i wanna add to the tank and alter so more to come yet !

really nice tank mate. i will be happy to host pics for you if you want?

send me a pm :)

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