Tank Safe Silicone For Rocks


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2013
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What's the best tank safe silicone on the market and can I use it to build up a rock wall/ mountain so to speak?

Has anyone else done this with any photos?

And am I best building and letting the silicone set then place in tank?

Am fairly sure you could try superglue instead? But you must put the glue to set inside the tank (I think) in water.
How's tricks?, did you get the nano tanks you had sold on?

Really superglue? I'd have thought that be toxic, also it's large rocks so I would have thought silicone would have set better as its like volcanic rock so not flat.

There's something in superglue you need to see if it has for it to be safe for the tank. Am sure another member will know what it is but most of them are safe to use in tanks.
You may just have to invest into some aquatic silicone, ebay it?
And yes I sold my nano.
Ye seen some on eBay, just want to see what's been used before and how good it was.

The majority of superglue is safe, it's been a while since I used some and can't remember what it was you shouldn't use!
Someone will confirm it for you I'm sure and hopefully someone will share pics, I'm looking for some inspiration to rescape my own tank tbh so I look forward to tracking this post!
Best of luck though!

Liam Goodaire
Thanks Liam, ye thinking of building it up gradually to one side, with some cave maybe half way, will see what shapes of rock i can get.

The tank as it is just now below,,, was all planted but blue lobster trashed it lol,also been eyeing up a longer tank so might hold out and get a new tank then build in that.

All clear silicone is safe, theres no such thing as "aquarium safe", its a gimmick, just read label, it must be anti-mildew and anti-bact, and wait at least 72hrs to dry, another good rule is wait till you cant smell the silicone any more
100% silicone is safe to use. I wouldn't use anything else.
And the ingredient in Super Glue that you should look for is cyanoacrylate. That's the good stuff.
Ah yes, cyanoacrylate. I need to remember that :(
Adheseal is the best stuff for the job. super glue will not stick rocks together. Check out ebay loads on there.
True about Super Glue. It works best for adhering plants to rocks or wood.

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