Tank rescape

OK, here's the thing about grit sand. It's made for sand blasting. It isn't water worn, so under a microscope it has sharp edges and points. Many people will tell you that this kind of sand is death for bottom feeders. This has not been my experience: I've kept panda cories, zebra loaches, and emerald brochis on Black Diamond blasting sand for multiple years, and they're thrived, with healthy barbels and healthy bellies. I find that when cories lose their barbels, it is because of poor water quality/circulation, not because the substrate is rough.

But that tends to be the going wisdom: Blasting sand is no good for cories or loaches. "Play sand" is generally smoother. I've used that too, and it looks really good in some setups. I just like black substrates. So, do with that what you think best.

Either way, it would be fine to rinse it well and mix it with your current sand.
Cool cool. I was thinking mix with play sand to be fair....they crazy thing is i brought 10kg, but it doesnt look a lot. That said, im bound to lose some, during rebuild and cleaning, so i think having a 20kg will give me what i need for build plus any top up's I need to do. I was put off by play sand initially because of the air pocket thing and ittends to move more under disturbance. Corys are mental with there foraging, so i want to be able to see them and not be in a constant sand cloud lol
It sounds ok to me. You may have to see how sharp the sand is yourself. It may bee to sharp, or it may not. You never know until you get it. If it is to sharp, dont' use it.
Sounds like play sand is specially manufactured to be smooth as kids play in it. Also, if they get it in there eyes it doesnt damage there eyes...
Sounds like play sand is specially manufactured to be smooth as kids play in it. Also, if they get it in there eyes it doesnt damage there eyes...
Yes. It also has to be safe for kids, as they tend to eat/put stuff in their mouths.
So after looking around (dont have much in local shops here) i found tesco doing 10kg play sand for £2.50 or two for £4. I will mix 10kg play with 10kg river, which after reading the pros and cons of each maybe a happy medium for sand substrate


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Quick update. If you are looking to use play sand, it is very fine, uncharacteristic "boring" looking sand. In contrast the river sand has a mix of colours through it, different textures and would def seem much like the corys natural habitat. BUT, the play sand is so clean, barely any rinsing before water is clear. Feels alot lighter, smoother and easy to pull your fingers though, so good for cory barbs and allowing them to get right in the sand....

I will go out on a limb though and say together it looks awesome. Even more colour and good mix of feel which should be very interesting for the fish

In a way im happy amazon let me down with the other riversand bag, because I would of never tried this. One thing i will say and obviously cant tell you at the mo os whether this will separate, i.e one sand on top of the other. I really hope not but only time will tell
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Sand mix


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Temp home is ready and got my java moss for tree....


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That tank is going to look great. Keep us updated! :good:
It is done....that was emotional. I started at 9am and finished, well, im not really finished, still need to tidy some stuff away :rofl:

First snag was the grid support, i cut to size, but then forgot about the stupid entrance hatch on the Fluval (why didnt they make it bigger!!) That was followed by the tree, what a nightmare. Had to cut the back bit off to make it fit, but I found a use for the offcut as a little holder for my moss balls. So I have a java moss tree and a marimo moss bush lol

I know @Colin_T said no rocks and logs, so I went 50/50 with that. I got rid of the artifical log, as I wanted as natural as possible. I also "toned" down the mountain idea and made a sand cave and raised sand platform. The tree is proper floaty if anyone is thinking of getting one, so annoyingly for look, i have had to anchor it down with a rock for now, but that wont stay.

Sand is very pliable, i thought it was going to be a mare to level and dig out because its so fine. ...TOP TIP.... place your sand in tank wet, its so much better to work with and model...

I chose to place a rock underneath the Bonsai also, this gives it height, and allowed me to create the channel in the middle. This gives the Corys a few levels to explore.

I decided to keep a few reeds and both java ferns, not sure how well the reeds will do in sand, but the java fern is literally just placed about the sand inbetween the rock.

I decided just to trap the java moss in the branches of tree and not stick. Thid has so far worked, even with filter on max flow.

Overall im happy with the outcome, it was hard slog but worth it. Ive already noticed the corys displaying behaviour ive not seen before, like a "follow my leader" bit like a little cory train of four or so

Even though @Byron told me not too, i decided to about 30% of the old tank water back in with 70% 1 part RO to 3 part TAP.

So be nice guys, I hope you have enjoyed this little journey and let me know your thoughts...

P.S. I found three baby shrimp today I didnt even know I had haha, i thought all my berried shrimp dropped there eggs...



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It is done....that was emotional. I started at 9am and finished, well, im not really finished, still need to tidy some stuff away :rofl:

First snag was the grid support, i cut to size, but then forgot about the stupid entrance hatch on the Fluval (why didnt they make it bigger!!) That was followed by the tree, what a nightmare. Had to cut the back bit off to make it fit, but I found a use for the offcut as a little holder for my moss balls. So I have a java moss tree and a marimo moss bush lol

I know @Colin_T said no rocks and logs, so I went 50/50 with that. I got rid of the artifical log, as I wanted as natural as possible. I also "toned" down the mountain idea and made a sand cave and raised sand platform. The tree is proper floaty if anyone is thinking of getting one, so annoyingly for look, i have had to anchor it down with a rock for now, but that wont stay.

Sand is very pliable, i thought it was going to be a mare to level and dig out because its so fine. ...TOP TIP.... place your sand in tank wet, its so much better to work with and model...

I chose to place a rock underneath the Bonsai also, this gives it height, and allowed me to create the channel in the middle. This gives the Corys a few levels to explore.

I decided to keep a few reeds and both java ferns, not sure how well the reeds will do in sand, but the java fern is literally just placed about the sand inbetween the rock.

I decided just to trap the java moss in the branches of tree and not stick. Thid has so far worked, even with filter on max flow.

Overall im happy with the outcome, it was hard slog but worth it. Ive already noticed the corys displaying behaviour ive not seen before, like a "follow my leader" bit like a little cory train of four or so

Even though @Byron told me not too, i decided to about 30% of the old tank water back in with 70% 1 part RO to 3 part TAP.

So be nice guys, I hope you have enjoyed this little journey and let me know your thoughts...

P.S. I found three baby shrimp today I didnt even know I had haha, i thought all my berried shrimp dropped there eggs...



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The tank looks great! The tree really adds a lot. :good:

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