Tank Purchase


Fish Crazy
Aug 4, 2004
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Hi, someone told me only to spend 2 dollars a gallon on a tank, I'm buying a 33 today as follows:

33 gallon tank:
Penguin BioWheel 330 filter
Hagen fluorescent canopy & light
2 heaters
food (tropical fish flake food, freeze dried bloodworms, tablet food for bottom dwellers)
timer for lights
AquaPlus tap water conditioner (8oz bottle)
LeafZone aquarium plant food (8oz bottle)
cleaning supplies (gravel vacuum, algae sponge...) & nets of various sizes
wooden stand

I'm paying 200 for the whole system am I gettin ripped off, or is it JUST 2/gal for a tank? Note the tank is 6 years old, and the equipment less but still I'm thinking Im paying too much today? Any help PLEASE! :unsure:
I wouldnt pay that. About a year ago i bought a 35 US GAL tank with filter, heater, hood, lights and decor for 50 UK pounds. I have since given it to a friend but nonetheless, i wouldnt pay it...
if it comes with the stand, stands can be rather expensive if they are custom built for that aquarium.

I paid 300 for a 50 gallon with a stand and all the accessories necessary for the aquarium.

I know the stand alone is worth more than that and if I ever need to change the tank, i will keep the stand for sure as a tank alone is rather cheap.
How much are tanks? LIke the tank glass itself is 6 years old, everything else is less than 2 years old. Is it still a decent deal? How much are glass tanks speparately, particularily a 33?
I'm not sure on a 33, but I saw a 29 gallon for $34.99 (included hood w/ flourescent light), if that gives you any idea.

I'd say you're paying too much too. The thing I've found with buying used aquariums is that if you have the extra time and patience to wait, you'll get a better deal ... you're bound to find someone who just wants to unload his equipment to get it out of the house (especially with the "spring-cleaning bug" starting to bite people in the next few months)!!

For instance ... I bought my parents a 55 gallon tank (no leaks) with an oak stand, strip light, 2 Skilter filters, lots of fake plants, & gravel ... for $100. :) Just keep an eye on the local paper, CraigsList.com (if they have it near your city), eBay, etc and you're bound to find a good deal.

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