Tank ornaments

in my 4 ft tank i have 7 real plant on the right of my tank with a pile of about 6 rock with bubles behind them on the left with a peice of bog wood with plant growing on it that is about a foot long in the middle of the tank. it has sand bottom.

my small tank has 4 fake plant with bubbles behind them and sand on the bottom.
I have a big castle thing, sort of an ancient ruin then a little one, sorta looks like a drawbridge or gatehouse to the big castle! I just finished stocking it with fake and real plants. it doesnt look as good as it should as I have the breeding net in there. now only have 5 baby mollies.
I'm tempted to go and get more plants now...that fake plant of mine looks weird among all these pretty real ones....but if I plant any more my plec won't have much space :lol: I love that guy even though he's not even here yet!
im thinkin of converting my 3ft to sand cheese... but its hassle :( wouldnt mind it like cause gravel stores all the waste where as with sand it stays on the top :)

i got my sand from lfs... think it was 9:99 for a massive bag... 1 and 3/4 covered my tank to the level u see... its realy deep... whats nice tho is first inch looks realy light and the deeper it gets the dark it gets :D
nightlife20 said:
im thinkin of converting my 3ft to sand cheese... but its hassle :( wouldnt mind it like cause gravel stores all the waste where as with sand it stays on the top :)

i got my sand from lfs... think it was 9:99 for a massive bag... 1 and 3/4 covered my tank to the level u see... its realy deep... whats nice tho is first inch looks realy light and the deeper it gets the dark it gets :D
I want!! My lfs doesn;t sell it. Luckily the lovely babyfish has jusp om'd me saying that agros sell play pit sand!! :hey:
I've got loads of live plants, loads of rocks (some are piled into a nice cave) and a lump of driftwood. And I use gravel, but I think sand looks nice too (I like half and half too - looks good)
rsz said:
And I use gravel, but I think sand looks nice too (I like half and half too - looks good)
I use half and half in mine :)
I think it looks great (even though 90% of the gravel can't be seen :lol: )
5 gallon: cheap neon cave from Walmart, java ferns with explosive growth, bubble bar
10 gallon: 2 of those cheap neon caves, bubble bar, and plastic plant
55 gallon: 2 amazon swords, dying
3 mondo grass, dying
3 slabs of rock
1 bubble bar
1 piece of Malasian Driftwood
2 little caves made of stacking stones
lots of live plants!!!
river rocks
I have a large peice of driftwood and lots of live plants.

Only non-natural thing in my tank is a native-style arrow i positioned to appear it went astray and landed in the water getting stuck on the driftwood right under the waterline.
Tank 1
2 pieces driftwood with Anubius nana grafted on, 2 pieces plain driftwood (all fairly small) other live plants (java fern & something I don't know name of) & a bubble wall.

Tank 2
1 piece driftwood with Anubius nana, rocks & rock cave, other live plants (Vas all along back) and bubble wall.

Both tanks have gravel substrate (smallish sized stones).
I've got tons of fake plants, a fake wood log thing, lace rock, a fake piece of rock, boiled rock from outside, gravel, background... Cichlids need places to hide!
- a large fake (hollow) rock with 'caves' to swim through
- an amazon sword (and lots of babies)
- a small piece of bogwood
- 2/3 black gravel, 1/3 sand (you can get sand from any builder's supplier, or from the beach)
:D 29 gallon tank: a large log, a hollow log and lots of plants!
46 gallon tank: a whole Atlantis empire and lots of plants!
2.5 gallon tank: plants and a few pebbles

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