Tank not clearing right with filter?


New Member
Mar 21, 2004
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Hi everyone,

I`ve just sat my tank up a week ago and it`s been sitting just with the filter and heater running..

The water doesnt seem to have cleared properly

The tank i have is a 3ft juwel which comes with the heater and filter in the black box in the corner of the tank ..

Should this filter be enought to clear the tank or may an external one also be needed or a bigger one?? :-(

Any help appreciated :byebye:


daz B)
cut and pasted from the juwel site

this is the filter that is in my tank it is 180 l (40 gallon) i believe

4 Litres Bio - Power! The biggest Bio - Internal Filtersystem in ist class. And as is typical for JUWEL: This highly efficient and easy to maintain filtersystem is as complete as it can be: - equipped with a powerful pump for ca. 600 litres/hour - equipped with an automatic heater with 200W - all filter media in the the most practical filter basket: - Poly Pads for the large dirt particles - Active Carbon Sponge to extract chemical impurities from the water - coarse and fine filter sponges housing the bacteria cultures to effectively clean the water Please observe our maintenance recommendations to get best filtration results at all times from the filter system.


daz :unsure:
Hi diesel57 :)

Did you put gravel in the tank? If so, perhaps it wasn't washed enough. It might be more (or the particles might be finer) than the filter can handle, if that's the case. If so, you would probably be better off to start again after rewashing it. :nod:

If there is no gravel, why isn't the water clear? Was it clear when you put it in the tank? :dunno:
Hi mate

there is gravel in the tank

and it was washed very well the dirty i can see in the tank is very fine but i thought the filter would have lifted this


daz -_-
Hi D.
The juwel box filter are quite effective if the tank is not overloaded(obviously your isn't). All new tanks take a week or so to settle and during that time all sorts can happen.
You can try adding some Accruel into the tank to help clear fine particulates, but if its bacterial bloom then you will need to let the tank run until the bacterial colony "burns" itself out.
Are there bubbles clinging to the sides of the tank still? If there is then your tank is still in the raw tapwater stage and you will definitely need to let it settle.
Is the water cloudy? If you shine a flashlight (torch) in it at night, does it look like a dusty room? I had the same problem with my new tank (drove me batty) but it cleared up in a week. It comes back if I overfeed tho.

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