Tank Mates


New Member
Sep 21, 2007
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hey ppl

well im sure u get asked this alot lol but i currently have a 20 uk gallon tank sitting empty.......and as the betta wont do well in my other community tank i thought i would put one in this tank, and i was wondering what good tank mates for the betta would be??

also are there any good websites you can buy betta's from?? my lfs only have a couple of plain betta's......im lookin for a variety :D many thanks
cant help you find a good seller as im in the usa. im sure someone can help you out.
hey ppl

well im sure u get asked this alot lol but i currently have a 20 uk gallon tank sitting empty.......and as the betta wont do well in my other community tank i thought i would put one in this tank, and i was wondering what good tank mates for the betta would be??

also are there any good websites you can buy betta's from?? my lfs only have a couple of plain betta's......im lookin for a variety :D many thanks


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You can keep your betta with any fish that 1. do not look like male bettas (so gouramis and other anabantoids are out) and 2. do not nip fins.
aquabid isn't for us in the UK, some will ship over here but it is expensive, try Jobybettas and KGbettas although KG is currently having an internet issue so is unable to contact at the minute

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