Fish Addict
Hi Jue,I'm presuming that they were the albino ones because they were all a creamy white colour. I didn't see a label on the tank to know for certain. But obvously, they wouldn't be a good idea if they are going to eat their tank mates.
I think we have got a lot of thinking to do about this. If I can set the other tank up with or without heater/filter he could have one male betta in there and then still have his community tank with guppies and whatever else would happily live in there with them. I wouldn't want him to get 4 or 5 females if they are going to rip each other to pieces.
It makes you wonder how people manage to get it all sorted - I suppose everyone makes mistakes in the early days - but I'm trying my damndest to make sure that we can get it done without losing any fish.
I think I've got this sussed.. you plan on tiger barbs which aren't ideal with the guppies you already heve......If you get pentazona barbs instead, which aren't nippy, you could move the guppies to the 180 leaving the cycled 40l for a Betta & friends.
It sounds like you need to find a new LFS - one that would sell a gold nugget for a new 40l and doesn't have Bettas because they can't keep them sounds to me like a place to avoid.
You wil notice differences in Betta keeping between Europe & the USA - here they are always considered tropical fish and kept in heated & filtered tanks. The males have to be kept seperate so people either keep one in a community or keep a small tank with just the betta.
Many stores will not sell a fish unless it is going into a filtered tank. Males are Jarred whilst growing on as it is that or drip fed barracks are the only ways of keeping so many fish apart. It isn't ideal for a pet fish or for long term keeping though.
I have a Betta in my kitchen. He has a 55l hex which he shares with red ramshorn snails. He's a georgeous black red devil crowntail from Thailand but I've never got a spawn from him as he is too aggressive and has killed three females when I've attempted breeding him. I wouldn't rish him with any other fish - My Mum has a blue boy in her very mixed 160l community who is really mellow and lives happily with danios, cardinals, corys, botias & even an equally mellow old angelfish.
Temperaments vary a lot.
Apple snails are great fun too.