I don't know where in Canada you are, but most of the country (in the south anyway) is still in summer so room temperature would be the coolest the tank would reach without a heater. And the room is unlikely to be lower than the high 60's or low 70's, which is not problematic for platy. So with the heater at its lowest setting or even off, you should be OK for now. And yes, a steady temp is better than fluctuating around if extreme.
Pick up a couple of those mercury floating thermometers I mentioned previously; it is always handy to have a second on hand, and they are not expensive.
On the platy eating plants, it is normal for most livebearers (and many other fish too) to browse plant leaves. There may be a host of microscopic food on the leaves, more as the tank ages. The fish may nibble the leaves themselves too. At least this is a sign of improving health. Fish can go without food for days, so be careful not to over-feed just to get them eating more.
Pick up a couple of those mercury floating thermometers I mentioned previously; it is always handy to have a second on hand, and they are not expensive.
On the platy eating plants, it is normal for most livebearers (and many other fish too) to browse plant leaves. There may be a host of microscopic food on the leaves, more as the tank ages. The fish may nibble the leaves themselves too. At least this is a sign of improving health. Fish can go without food for days, so be careful not to over-feed just to get them eating more.