Tank mates for 10gal


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2005
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Ok I got a 10gal with a combtail male betta in it and also an adf. anyone have any ideas for other tank mates?
What would be better snails or shrimp?
And how many?
And will the snails or the shrimp eat the bettas waste? Do they need their own food?
I got the left section of the tank planted with a amazon sword and some worts.
Shrimp,I heard snails are a pest -_- I think it`s 2 shrimps per 10 gallon or something like that.You should get Zebra Danios too,they`re good with Bettas
You could have apple(mystery)snails they arnt so much of pests coz dey lay eggs out of water so you can just pull them off!Mabe 2 or 3 BUT bettas can eat smaller snails so they have to be a good size,You can have shrimps btu again the betta could eat them!You can put fish in with bettas too but none that have long fins
You can put more than 2 shrimp in a 10 gallon, especially if they are ghost shrimp which are the most cheap and most common around here. :nod: I kept 5 ghost shrimp with my betta and they mysteriously started to disappear. They are cheap and do a pretty good job of cleaning up leftover food, so if you don't mind the bettas eating them, I would get some. They are also very good for your betta's diet. :thumbs:

Shrimp and snails don't eat fish poo. They will eat leftover food though.
I am kinda doing the same thing except with snails and white cloud mountain minnows :) they are great fish, told to be the poor mans neon tetra :rofl: but yeah lol they are great fish i am planning with 1 vt male that i have and 4 White cloud montain minnows, and i might increase school a little, and then some snails that i already have in my 30gl.

hope this helps


ps-i think shrimp might be ok but betta might try to harrass them, maybe wait for more replies about them.
What about keeping cories with bettas? I've heard this somewhere before. Anyways how does this sound:
my betta
3 or 4 shrimps maybe more
1 snail MAYBE if i can find one

how does that sound? do i need to take anything away or put in anything?
I'm not sure on this, but it seems the shrimp might become a meal for an ADF too. Do they go after shrimp?
All of my bettas have killed, yet not eaten the ghost shrimp I've tried putting in with them.

None have bothered the cories I have, although they don't stay in with them often..only when I am cleaning tanks sometimes.

ADF's are just too hard to keep imo..everyone I've ever had refused to eat and finally died :(. Some say they are sick when you get them..or already starving from stress...so who knows.

I personally like snails, i had some rams and pond snails hitch rides in on some live plants I ordered...I just pick the babies out when too many show up...I like to watch them race around the tank lol..they're like little race cars. The betta's tend to kill them and eat them when I throw them in though..which is what happens to the excess baby snails from my community tank lol. Gives my guys something to do ever so often.

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