tank mate


New Member
Sep 29, 2004
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i just came back from my lfs n saw betta n swordtail in the same tank... can they be tank mate? but the betta do look young.... how about betta and guppy?

I think I've heard that bettas will nip guppies due to their long finnage.
I have a book on bettas which states swordtails are good tank mates for bettas. However, I had a betta and a swordtail in the same tank, and the betta did nothing but chase the swordtail and flare.

Based on that experience, I wouldn't choose them as mates again.

I dont have any tank mates for my Betta's but two of my friends do.

Betta + 5 panda Corydora's in a 10G tank.
Betta + 4 Panda Corydora's in a 5-7G tank.

In the first case there was no problem. In the secodn case the Halfmoon who used to share the tank with the Panda's was replaced by a Super Delta since the Halfmoon would even eat the Panda's sinking tablets. Seeing a halfmoon with a sinking tablet in his mouth is kind of funny the first few times, but it does become a problem later when you have to keep him away in order to feed the cory's.

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