Tank Mate$!


Fish Herder
Mar 23, 2009
Reaction score
Co.Down Ireland
Hi, :fish: are these dudes classed as tank mates with eachother!!

X5 Hujeta Gars
X2 Black Ghost Knives
X1 Fire Eel
X3 Clown Loaches
X30-50 Neons and Guppies as feeder fish.
X3 Bala Sharks
X2 Common Plecos
X1 Armoured Bichir
X7 Denison Barbs
X1 Archer fish
X1 Tiger Oscar
X1 Senegal Bichir

if they are destined for the 240 litre in your sig compatibility is the least of your worries that tank is already grossly overstocked and needs sorting .
No is the simple answer. There is a longer answer, but the tank size would need to be clarified first.
I would say no, under any circumstances and 'cruel' if for any tank in your sig. Don't even get me started of the suitability of live fish as food....
Sorry :X i sould have been more precise in my question here is the tank:

Fish Tank:
450 Juwel Aquarium (Vision)
75lbs of Pea-Gravel
Fish Food
Test Kit
Easy Life-Fluid Filter Medium
STR Juwel Aquarium Background
Filter (already fitted)

& here is the setup aka aquascape:

1. Rocks
2. Roots
3. Vallisneria
4. Alternanthera reineckii
5. Cryptocoryne willisi
6. Echinodorus grandifolius
7. Hydrocotyle verticillata
8. Riccia rhenana
9. Anubias nana
10. Microsorium pteropus

hope this helps a little or even better alot :thanks:

Sorry :X i sould have been more precise in my question here is the tank:

Fish Tank:
450 Juwel Aquarium (Vision)
75lbs of Pea-Gravel
Fish Food
Test Kit
Easy Life-Fluid Filter Medium
STR Juwel Aquarium Background
Filter (already fitted)

& here is the setup aka aquascape:

1. Rocks
2. Roots
3. Vallisneria
4. Alternanthera reineckii
5. Cryptocoryne willisi
6. Echinodorus grandifolius
7. Hydrocotyle verticillata
8. Riccia rhenana
9. Anubias nana
10. Microsorium pteropus

hope this helps a little or even better alot :thanks:

the 1 in my sig is my community tank & im most likely to get it but dont know when!! :D
In that case some of the stocking is possible, but not all,

Personally this is what i would try, but there are no guarantees this will work

240L: 1 Blue acara, 1 male krib, Danios, corydoras, 1 Pleco, Denissonii barbs

450L - 1 oscar, 2 blue acaras, 1 Black Shark, 3 Bala Sharks, 3 Clown Loach, 1 BGK, Senegal Bichir, 3 Hujeta,

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