Tank Mate For A Large Cichlid?

most catfish are - however pictus are more middle bottom.
They really swim at all levels but spend a lot less time picking through your gravel then most cats.
get three or more and they'll also adjust to a daytime schedule.
Raphaels pick a spot and hang out, I also have a (SA) bumble bee cat in with my Midas he seems to have very similar habits to a Raphael except he's alot more active (and colorful). He's really growing on me and he swims around the bottom like a little midget cat shark prowling.
FriedFlowerHornFillet said:
Pictus swim at the top Raphael's are at the bottom scavenging there's really no competition between the two.
That would be assuming that food hits the bottom of the tank in the first place. Healthy pims are pigs that go all out feeding frenzy, it'd be hard for bottom feeders to get food in the first place without a lot of overfeeding. I tried it before, my Raphaels couldn't get anything, theyre just not anywhere as fast and boisterous as pims.
The point is -so are Texas cichlids. and Both are messy eaters. A lot of food will be going in to that tank .

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