Tank Makeover

eligos the bichir? never heard of this before but whay an amazing looking fish!
Eligos is his name, hehe (though I think he might actually be a she?)

Those tall plants with the leaves, i have some of them but find it hard to grow them. The leaves go scabby and holey. What ferts do you use??
No ferts any time recently. I used to use liquid and substrate ferts, but the substrate ones have long since been used up and I haven't added the liquid in months. Just good ol' lighting :)

helsekia -- LOVE your ropefish!! I want to get some buddies for mine once I move out and have room for another big tank :thumbs:
thanks :D oh yeah youve definately got to get old ropefish some buddies mine follow each other everywhere they are so funny
Yes, I've read they're very social and almost got two, but by the time the shop worker had managed to net mine he had already dropped two others on the floor so I just left with what I got! :lol:
I'm seeing a couple more in my future :shifty:
All cleared up and complete :)

Oh wow, that is nice. You've got an eye for these things. How come I don't see you in the planted tank forum? Your tank would easily 'feel at home' there :lol:
Lol, now that's a compliment! :p
I know nothing about plants is why... CO2 and ferts are too complicated for me, hehe! We're lucky I can point to the Amazon sword in my tank
that is gorgeous :nod: great job :thumbs: any fish would be happy to live in there.I love the planting
Oh wow, that is nice. You've got an eye for these things. How come I don't see you in the planted tank forum? Your tank would easily 'feel at home' there :lol:
Lol, now that's a compliment! :p
I know nothing about plants is why... CO2 and ferts are too complicated for me, hehe! We're lucky I can point to the Amazon sword in my tank

Don't worry Fishkiller, you and I will work on her a bit more and she'll join the Dark side. :devil: Besides, she keeps all those wild boys, who just love planted tanks.

I'm serious Synirr, I agree, you do have a flare for this. You could easily maintain a low-tech tank with some ferts and liquid CO2 supplementation. Not all over at planted have high-tech tanks, some have very beautiful low-tech tanks. Think about it. :)
NICE SET UP M8 looking good what kind of filter set up you using ?????
Just a regular ol' HOB... forgot the maker, I think maybe it's a Whisper? It was cheap, but it works :)
Lol, now that's a compliment! :p
I know nothing about plants is why... CO2 and ferts are too complicated for me, hehe! We're lucky I can point to the Amazon sword in my tank

but you use co2 right?

and you use ferts ..... right?

so i think you got it

i can see by the way your tank looks

lol dont underestemate your skill my friend lol

great tank by the way (and the wood isnt too big )
Lol, now that's a compliment! :p
I know nothing about plants is why... CO2 and ferts are too complicated for me, hehe! We're lucky I can point to the Amazon sword in my tank

but you use co2 right?

and you use ferts ..... right?

so i think you got it

i can see by the way your tank looks

lol dont underestemate your skill my friend lol

great tank by the way (and the wood isnt too big )
Haha, no... I've never touched CO2, and I stopped using ferts many months ago ;)
Haha, no... I've never touched CO2, and I stopped using ferts many months ago ;)

wow i cant belive you got your plants to grow so nicely withought co2!

how many wpg do you have in that tank ?

and do you have alge blooms often?

sorry about all the questions lol ....
Just two 20W bulbs on a 29 gallon, so less than 1.5 wpg :)
No algae blooms, just a bit of trouble with some REALLY tough brown algae on the glass sometimes. There's never much of it, but it's really hard to scrub off, much harder than normal brown algae :blink:. My magnetic algae scraper "for tanks up to 60 gallons" (or something like that) wasn't doing the trick, so I had to get one made for up to 125 gallons with stronger magnets.

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