Tank In The Meentime!


Fish Herder
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
I am starting a 35 gallon sw fish tank next year but am going to be boared with my FW fish. I want to start a 10gallon nano tank. I have a few things,

lid -will buy a new light
Fluval 3 plus pump (no sponges)700lph
Elite 100W heater

i will buy,
10KG of LR

i only want 2 fish in intil i get my other tank set up.
Fujian damsel (they are one of the less aggressive damsels)
A few inverts

So everyting will be put in to bigger tank LR fish etc.

So ios everything OK here or am i missing something
thank you
Presume your having no corals then?
You could go with a mantis shrimp....Nice size tank for one aswell (i think)
You wont be able to have anything else in the tank(will get killed..), but when you get your 35g set-up, then you would have a nice veriety...One nice pretty tank, with lots going on, and one with abit of a beastin it...

thanks Mikey
No i dont want corals as yet, will a few hermits be ok in there? Red or blue what is better?

Yeah, as far as a clean up crew, id go with 3 or 4 hermits (colours dont really matter, just whatever you prefer, unless a matching colour with your fish would work???) a blood shrimp/cleaner shrimp and then some snails (nerite seem to be good, but im not exactly sure about snails....) and then your fish on top of that...

So i will have
2 red hermets
2 blue hermets
? snails
1 clownfish
1 fujian damsel, also does anyone have info on the fujian damsel seen them at LFS. I only know a littlem about them.

Astrea snails are good, as are turbos, but turbos get quite big...As you can tell i know little about them...
Personally, id stick to one colour of hermits...I dont know why, but i just would...Can anyone enlighten me on that one?

Right so i have decided that i am gonna make my 10 gallon my perminant tank. I also have a spare 10 gallon which i would like to make into a sump. I have no idea how it works or how to turn it into one so info would be great thanks

Blue hermits are apparantly more agressive towards snails than the reds, although i've not noticed any difference...:S

Make sure you get scarlet reds if you go with the reds though :good:

10KG of LR sounds a bit heavy for a 10g i doubt you could fit it all in let alone aquascape, unless you meant 10lbs? :)
I didn't get what you were saying, are you starting a 35gallon or a 10gallon?? You were saying something about getting "Boared" but im not sure if thats a typo and meant to say bored with freshwater...Eh, fill me in :blush:
Why scarlet reds Sf????

So betta5, if this is going to be your only nano, then are you gonna have corals or anything??

Yeah i know, but why scarlet reds over normal reds??? Anyone ever seen the zebra hermits, now they are cool....

Yeah i know, but why scarlet reds over normal reds??? Anyone ever seen the zebra hermits, now they are cool....


Zebra hermits are pure evil :lol: If you plan on keeping any small-ish snails (e.g. Nerites, Astrea, some Margarites) then stay away from zebras despite the cool appearance, since the snails are likely to be had by the zebra. Some are supposed to be "ok" with snails, but I havn't run accross one yet that is. If all you have is something like one large Turbo, they'll be fine. They are shell stealers for small snails that have the right shell shape, and can also be pretty aggressive towards other hermits if food is involved. By themselves, zebras are great though.
:lol: Cool
Im not after any for my tank, far too expensive...And sound like there killers :lol:


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