Fish Aficionado
We don't have any tanks in direct sunlight right now, I'm just curious to know how well it would do w/ plants.
We're going to be moving some time this year, and I thought it would be nice to have a planted tank in front of a window that gets alot of sun or in a sunroom. It would be the only light it gets.
Just wondering if anyone has a setup like that and how it's working out? Pictures would be great as well *winkwink* hehe
I have a picture in my head on how it would look.. lots of aquatic plants, with nonaquatic growing at the top and just plants cascading down the sides of the tank looking all nice and lovely heh.
So yeah, any info on how yours is working out, how you manage to keep it clean (of algae), how the plants are doing, etc etc etc would be greatly appreciated!
We're going to be moving some time this year, and I thought it would be nice to have a planted tank in front of a window that gets alot of sun or in a sunroom. It would be the only light it gets.
Just wondering if anyone has a setup like that and how it's working out? Pictures would be great as well *winkwink* hehe
I have a picture in my head on how it would look.. lots of aquatic plants, with nonaquatic growing at the top and just plants cascading down the sides of the tank looking all nice and lovely heh.
So yeah, any info on how yours is working out, how you manage to keep it clean (of algae), how the plants are doing, etc etc etc would be greatly appreciated!