Tank Fish....


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
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Kolkata (Calcutta), India
ive been thinking of converting my 10 gallon tank into a tetra tank. i want to get neons, cardinals and rummy-noses. would it be okay if i kept my khuli loach, clown loach and my molly? how many of each could i get?
ive been thinking of converting my 10 gallon tank into a tetra tank. i want to get neons, cardinals and rummy-noses. would it be okay if i kept my khuli loach, clown loach and my molly? how many of each could i get?
Let's see here - Kuhlis are about 3-4" long and skinny, Mollys get 3 to 4"" long and not so skinny, and Clown Loaches get up to 8-10" long. Further, Mollies are a hard water species (you can keep them in soft water, but they'll get sick easier), while loaches (and tetras) are more soft water. You're going to need a bigger tank for the Clown Loach - 55 gallon minimum. They prefer company too, and you'll get the most joy of him with another 2 to 4. With the Clown gone, you can have 2 to 4 tetras in the tank. If you take everything out and add the tetras, you might be able to get away with as many as six total. Frankly, though, your best bet is to get 5 to 7 neons - they're a little smaller than the other two, less sensitive to fluctuations in water quality than rummy noses (more of an issue in a small tank), and less expensive than cardinals.

10 gallon tanks really have limited use.
if i kept only my khuli and my molly, taking out/giving away all other fish how many tetras could i put in the tank? btw the clown loach is still quite small...i will either give him away or get a bigger tank. what can i do with this tank?
if i kept only my khuli and my molly, taking out/giving away all other fish how many tetras could i put in the tank? btw the clown loach is still quite small...i will either give him away or get a bigger tank. what can i do with this tank?

Well, not many. Middle estimate on the bioload for a kuhli and molly (BTW, both fish that are at their best in groups of their own kind) would be 6-7" equivalent. Leaving about 3-4" of fish length by the inch per gallon guideline. All those tetras get 1.5 to 2" long, so 2 or 3 max. And while Kuhlis and mollies appreciate company, tetras really need it. They shouldn't be kept in groups smaller than 6. If you are dead set on keeping tetras, I'd take out the Molly at least, and probably the khuli as well and put in 6 neons. If they have to stay, then 3 neons.

Now, if this is a planted tank and has been running for more than 6 months, you could probably add the 6 neons along with your molly and kuhli no problem (plants in an established aquarium really help keep the water quality up), but you'd need to make twice weekly water changes.

That's my 2 cents. Your mileage may very, and may you have joy of whatever decision you make. :)
my tank is planted and has about six full fleged plants...vallis, amazon sword and another unidentified plant...so i guess i could a put a few fish in...
my tank is planted and has about six full fleged plants...vallis, amazon sword and another unidentified plant...so i guess i could a put a few fish in...
Get yourself a fast growing nitrate hog in there, like water sprite. Your fish will love it. Particularly if it's something floating for the tetras to shade under or something bushy (cabomba words well) for them to hide in when they feel skittish. Yeah, get a small school of neons or cardinals - six would be perfect. Do your tests and water changes regulary and you should be A-OK. :good:
this isnt the right place to post this question, but do mollies eat cabomba? i put cabomba in my tank once and my fish made a meal out of it...
Good point. :| Probably. Wisteria works as well, and it doesn't have the fine, hairy leaves that algae eating fish tend to love to nibble.

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