Fish Fanatic
ive been thinking of converting my 10 gallon tank into a tetra tank. i want to get neons, cardinals and rummy-noses. would it be okay if i kept my khuli loach, clown loach and my molly? how many of each could i get?
8)ive been thinking of converting my 10 gallon tank into a tetra tank. i want to get neons, cardinals and rummy-noses. would it be okay if i kept my khuli loach, clown loach and my molly? how many of each could i get?
if i kept only my khuli and my molly, taking out/giving away all other fish how many tetras could i put in the tank? btw the clown loach is still quite small...i will either give him away or get a bigger tank. what can i do with this tank?
Get yourself a fast growing nitrate hog in there, like water sprite. Your fish will love it. Particularly if it's something floating for the tetras to shade under or something bushy (cabomba words well) for them to hide in when they feel skittish. Yeah, get a small school of neons or cardinals - six would be perfect. Do your tests and water changes regulary and you should be tank is planted and has about six full fleged plants...vallis, amazon sword and another unidentified i guess i could a put a few fish in...