Tank Filtration


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2011
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I have a 250 litre tank and at the moment i filter it with fluval 2plus and under gravel filters. The tank is fine but i was considering an external filter, would there be any point in getting one?

I'd say yes, everytime. You have a lot more space for media, and you can get to it to clean out the 'gunk', unlike a UG.
Thanks for the reply :)

Any suggestions on a decent one which isn't top of the range?
I run the All Pond Solutions ones on my tanks; had my first one about 18 months and have had no issues with them (well, apart from not fitting the wretched UV light cover, and having the darn thing leak everywhere!) and they're a very reasonable price, especially considering the size of them; the 2000lph ones are massive.
Thanks for the reply :)

Any suggestions on a decent one which isn't top of the range?
fluval external. try looking on discount sites or ebay

So 250 litre tank should be a Fluval 305?

I run the All Pond Solutions ones on my tanks; had my first one about 18 months and have had no issues with them (well, apart from not fitting the wretched UV light cover, and having the darn thing leak everywhere!) and they're a very reasonable price, especially considering the size of them; the 2000lph ones are massive.

Ah nice, is the make "all pond solutions"?
I see, the 1400lph is more than enough for my tank and £59.99 off the official site. Nice :)
Do bear in mind that the quoted flow rate is without media (true of nearly all filters), and the flow rate does drop off; if you're quite lightly stocked the 1400 would be fine; but I'd go for the 2000lph if at all possible :good:
Looks like i'll be buying the 2000 sometime next month then :D

Could there be any negative effects on adding the filter or is it risk free to the tank?
As long as you make sure you put all your old media into the new filter before removing them (plus as much of your gravel as you can fit in; replace with 'better' media gradually), then as long a you test often and feed lightly for the first week or two, you should be fine.
I have the APS 2000l/hour model (just branded eagle aquatic rather than APS). The drop off in rate with media is pretty big, though they can handle very large bioloads. On my RIO 400 I have the APS and a fluval 405 and still giving some thought to adding a powerhead to keep things moving!
So i should keep my internal filter going with the external, and when things get busier in the tank maybe upgrade powerhead?
I would switch to the external (puting all media from the internal in it) and see what its like, if you need more flow pick up a cheap powerhead
Just a little note about my experience...I have worked with a Fluval 405 and a Rena XP4, and flow rates aside, the Rena is a much better designed unit in my opinion. Opening and closing the Fluval was a fight each time, and filling and starting it was not a very smooth process.

The Rena is very easy to work with, opening and closing it is easy and simple - the way it should be. The procedure for filling and starting the Rena XP was also a much easier and smoother process. It just works perfectly, no priming needed.

I'm not saying that this is absolutely going to be the case for everyone, I'm sure many people are happy with their Fluval 205, 305, 405, etc, but I will buy a Rena XP series as my next external filter.

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