Tank Filtration

well yes to with in reason, if u filled a tank with filter's then you have no space for fish.

Sump's and external's are the best and as long as the flow rate is with reason the fish will be fine.

I'll stop there as u only asked for yes/no answers but it dose depend on the fish etc etc

No You cannot overfilter as such... you will find though that you get to a point where aditional filtration is not as beneficial as the bacteria colonies in the filters will only grow according to how much food (ammonia and Nitrite) they receive - So whereas one filter maybe fully colonised with bacteria, if you had 2 or 3 on the same tank, you would find they maybe only half colonised with bacteria each.

Of course, the other aditional benefit to multiple filters is there is more fine media to catch debris / particals in the water...

Aditional Filters also mean aditional flow of water, so again it depends what type of fish you have whether that is suitable or not..


I say the answer is:

No (but only if you stick to the narrow theoretical definition of filtration)

Yes (if you include species specific flow rates in the equation)

yea id say from what ive read and a little experience no, but just theres gunna be a lot of water movement if u ahve more filters, some fish dont like that so much, plus i mean if u were wierd and had filters everywheres eventually it would be too much, but generally no.
Yes: it's good to be overfiltered.
No: not if you're spraying your fish around the tank.
But there's a distinction to be made; you can have a well filtered tank running off an averagely sized cannister filter. Some can hold much more filter media that you'd think. My 4ft 40-odd gallon is running with a Tetratec EX700. Some would consider that filter an absolute minimum, but it holds a LOT of media (which I've added to) and the tank has lots of plants which don't need to be swished around. I'd always go for media capacity over power (I don't keep anything larger than Corys) but if I kept Malawis, that would be a very different story. Horses for courses, really.

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